FAIL FRIDAY: Dropping the Ball on 2011
Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Getting drunk with your 8-year-old son. TFM.
–New York
You’re a role model for role models.
She asked me for breakfast in bed. I pointed to my crotch and said, “eggs fratadickt.” TFM.
I hope she poached your eggs.
So what if I wear “GDI” clothes. I still party, bro-out and pick up girls better than most. TFM.
Better than most deaf-mute hermaphrodites, maybe.
Motion for a “Sweetbros” section. TFM.
Kentucky puts in a bid for the male version of TFM Sweethearts.
Registering to vote and being asked to declare a party and simply pointing to the swoop. TFM.
I hope you got one of those voter registration forms with eyes and a sense of humor.
Split a tin with my friend. We both have loose bowel movements now. TFM.
Thanks for sharing. Good to know.
Frathound was replaced with a Frat Cat so there’s always pussy around. TFM.
I give “Frat Cat” two weeks to live. Somebody call the Animal Humane Society.
You mad bro? Can’t see my, can’t see my, can’t see my troll face. TFM.
Remix of Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” for internet trolls. Lovely.
In an elevator after a late night I had my sunglasses on. GDI in full elevator asks me, “You do know you’re inside, right?” I reply, “Suck my dick.” Potential slampiece follows me out of elevator and asks to get lunch. TFM.
My last “cool story bro” of 2011.
Let’s get some things understood. When someone takes time out 2 honestly do something special 4 u…even if u don’t see it as anything big…plz still appreciate it. Cuz I can grantee da whole entire time they was planning wat ever 4 u…they were thinkin bout u & only u. TFM.
What a heartwarming way to end 2011.
I really hope this cute little photo is on Pinterest.
Jorts: when slacks just aren’t semi-formal enough.
I assume they were forced to eat 50 powdered donuts off of their pledge brother.
He’s in touch with his feminine side.
It’s an end of the year double feature. I pray to God y’all learned your lesson in 2011 about making rap songs like this:
Float Look Like Money
Sexy and I Bro It
Who let the darkie from Kentucky submit a TFM?
13 years ago at 8:19 pm^heard that.
13 years ago at 8:24 pmPhi Kappa Tau leaving your composite on the fucking floor…not fucking frat you gdi pussies
13 years ago at 8:43 pmWhew… what has SigEp become. It’s almost becoming too painful anymore. Time to let the “frat days” go, and just realize SigEp has been overtaken from this parasite called “Balanced Man.” I’m too old to be on this site anyway.
13 years ago at 8:48 pm^don’t know what they were before but I can definitely tell you at our school they are the definition of NF, also rapists
13 years ago at 9:02 pmFirst pic is SigEp and so is the pink panties one..
13 years ago at 9:15 pmThey’re good at a few schools, including mine.
13 years ago at 9:55 pmWe actually had a pretty good run without a Fail Friday pic, so I can’t complain.
13 years ago at 10:47 pmThe Balanced Man program is wonderful.. Get real, balanced man chapters are superior to the remaining traditional chapters.
13 years ago at 5:16 pmSig ep is the epitome of the direction society is going. People are turning into pussies, begging for things to be easy, and sig ep leading the way. Although some change is necessary, that kind of change is frankly idiotic. Traditional fraternities with pledgeship make dumbass freshmen into men. Balanced man makes them into huge leaking pussies. Going through hell is what makes fraternity men different than geeds, and sig ep is a mockery. It shouldn’t even be considered a fraternity if it is using the balanced man, end of story.
13 years ago at 5:30 pmI appreciate the comments, very insightful. I just wanna say, that yes there was a time, when SigEp was actually considered pretty bad-ass by most industry standards. I’ll go ahead and “date” myself, by saying I pledge/joined right before all this Balanced Man trash came into existence (’97). Which by definition makes me way too old to be on this site, but I’m like the “cool Uncle” who wants to see what you “kids” are doing these days. I was proud of my chapter, and now as a successful post-graduate working American, I look back in shame to what it has become. (And yes, it is a cool-story bro.) Hence the name, “Grand-frat”
13 years ago at 11:35 pmFratwall, where do you go to school?
Balanced Man is killing SigEp. I left to go overseas for a year, came back, and now can’t even stop by the house anymore. It’s embarrassing to be around there at this point. Awesome parties got replaced by flat bills and flip cup. Hot chicks got replaced by 5’s. It’s all because of the full implementation of balanced man
13 years ago at 4:42 amOh yeah, TrueBalancedManSPE: Try being in a fraternity and go through some hazing and maybe the rest of us will let you sit at the big boy table with the adults.
13 years ago at 4:43 am100% embarrassed those Phi Taus go to my University.
13 years ago at 10:06 pm0% surprised they made this video.
13 years ago at 12:13 am^ also second dan
13 years ago at 12:20 amThird
13 years ago at 12:51 amwhat school?
13 years ago at 1:21 amSouthern Illinois
13 years ago at 10:36 amskip skip
13 years ago at 10:54 pmNot only embarrassed that I’ve seen them.. but that I know their names.
13 years ago at 5:00 amvisited siu…nf went down south
13 years ago at 12:38 amHAHAHA fuck those phi tau jersey shore mother fuckers
13 years ago at 12:15 amReally? Sexy and I bro it? The girl in the video isn’t even greek..she is a geed! The video quality is soo damn poor and this is odd seeing how it comes from the chapter with the most money on campus. You’d think the phi tau’s would go whine to their rich alumni for some cash to put a video together better than this. It’s almost as annoying as their “ho-rah phi tau” that they do every ten seconds..yes we realize you are in phi are always together and always embarrassing yourself. Its like trying to find one that can drink.. impossible.
13 years ago at 12:35 am^someone didnt get a bid from Phi Tau
13 years ago at 1:58 amhoo-rah brother
13 years ago at 2:07 amI’m not sure if its a national thing, or an SIU chapter’s thing, but they sing a song called ‘Ya Hoe’. The song is an old a soccer and rugby hooligan song, you GDIs have no right to sing it. Ever.
13 years ago at 3:41 pmI go to the same school as those Phi Taus in that second video. Their the reason people at my school think frats are gay. Fucking assholes
13 years ago at 1:58 amIt’s a fraternity goddamnit. The reason the geeds at siu think fraternities are gay is because the fraternities at siu are gay
13 years ago at 12:40 amSorry for party rockin’.
13 years ago at 5:28 amI don’t bake cakes for men who “party rock.”
13 years ago at 5:01 am^ Being on here is preventing you from baking. Get back to work.
13 years ago at 4:05 amWhen will Fraternities realize that it is beyond NF to make a rap or hip hop video (or whatever the fuck LMFAO is)? If you are white, and especially if you are in a Fraternity or Sorority, stopping acting like you are from the “hood.”
13 years ago at 10:37 am^FUCKING THIS. And add “stepshows” to the lost for those of yall “black sheep” chapeters still use as a “step show” as a philanthrophy.
13 years ago at 12:51 amI am a brother of Phi Tau. And you sir, are a fucking joke and an embarrassment to us all.
13 years ago at 1:59 pmYou’re a joke because you’re a Phi Tau.
13 years ago at 6:52 am