FAIL FRIDAY: GDIs in Disguise

Ten real submissions, five photos and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

When I’m older, fuck the hearing aids. They’ll be giving me fucking beering aids. TFM.
-North Carolina

Cringed as I read this. Here we go again…

Going to grad school for psychology. I put the rapist in therapist. TFM.

I’m sure you’ll have a positive impact on the field of mental health treatment.

“Hi, I’m Ryan Dunn and this is the drunken car ride.” TFM.

Woah, too soon. Too soon.

My life. TFM.

Strong effort. Would you care to elaborate?

Waking up realizing that you ate about a half a can sized lipper when you passed out last night and you’ve got a bad case of the shits. Making up for this by lining up a days worth of blumpkins. TFM.

How many blumpkins is a days worth?

Taking the assistant football coach job at the middle school, not because you need the money, but to haze young geeds and then fuck their substitute teachers. TFM.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Welcoming the new neighbors, that decided to move by greek street, with a broken tail light because they don’t believe in Jesus. TFM.

Random comma splicing does not validate this act.

Studying to be an abortion doctor so I can meet sluts who don’t want kids any more than I do. TFM.

Hilariously, this came from a Methodist school.

Dad prank calling my sister at work today. Three times. TFM.

Your dad is a fucking loser.

Telling randos you want to “tounge punch her fart box.” TFTC.

Maybe the worst description of felatio ever.

Oh look, one of those cool Bud Light bottles you can write your name on.

Opposite of a champion.

Dated 2004, but time can’t save you from this humiliation.

Broski!!! Grab my ass right as the picture’s being taken and I’ll look surprised!

Rush Pike? I think not….

You can’t watch the whole thing:

  1. The Great Fratdoors

    “I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” One of the funniest comments ever by the intern. Billy Madison, FaF.

    14 years ago at 2:39 pm
    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      makin some crispy honey barbecue chicken crispers and bacon ranch quesadillas, he’s a busy man… the guys in the cubicles gotta eat somewhere

      14 years ago at 2:54 pm
    2. BROnonia_Docet

      Holy shit. me and my girl always get the 2 for $20 with the honey chipotle chicken crispers and the bacon ranch quesadillas with the texas cheese fries as an appetizer. Good call, bro.

      14 years ago at 2:07 am
  2. Frat Outta Hell

    i was able to watch the whole video. i may have vomited all over my desk, but i finished it.

    14 years ago at 3:14 pm
  3. DChiAugusta

    God Damnit DX. I know the first pic is from the Augusta Chapter, who wants to fess up for the second?

    14 years ago at 3:20 pm
    1. Keystoned

      Based on your name, if you are indeed correct about that being the Augusta chapter, I would assume you are in said chapter. Which makes it safe to assume you are as GDI as they are.

      14 years ago at 7:51 pm
    2. DChiAugusta

      Awww Keystoned, is someone still sore about being balled? It’s o.k. little buddy, I’m sure there are plenty gay student organizations out there willing to take you on. And, now that New York allows same sex marriages, you and your “life partner” will be able to get started on your little family.

      14 years ago at 2:36 pm
    3. DX1890DX

      Who is this from the Augusta chapter? I go to augusta. And fuck you leges, this is just a bad picture of this kid.

      14 years ago at 5:42 pm
    4. Cloak and Dagger

      real school “leges”? pretty sure augusta is not only home to the masters, but their school is also back to back national golf champs. what the fuck do you have to say for your school you little worthless fuckboy. way to back another brother in a time of need, you are as NF as it gets delta chi or not. kill yourself.

      14 years ago at 2:22 am
    5. Leges

      2010 NCAA Football National Champions. Maybe you’ve heard of a school called Auburn

      14 years ago at 2:19 pm
    6. Cloak and Dagger

      fuck auburn, i’d rather go to UGA anyday. way to bash your own conference leges, im glad i don’t call you my brother and i don’t know your fucking friend so fuck off

      14 years ago at 7:42 pm
    7. Leges

      ^ haha. but you don’t go to uga? couldn’t get in? gotta go to some third rate college instead? have fun being a bottom feeder in society

      14 years ago at 8:13 pm
    8. Blood Lust

      this argument/thread is stupid, username “leges”=NF because he obviously bashes his own brothers, auburn < bama, BOOM 'nuff said

      14 years ago at 5:10 pm
  4. Fratty Natty Light

    any time i see anything sigma nu related i think of that retarded geed ass sigma nu until i die video. NF!

    14 years ago at 3:23 pm
  5. Fratalee Holloway

    Second Delta Chi Picture: Bermuda shorts. capri cargo shorts. tight ass girl jeans. and the ass grabbing. Not fucking frat.

    14 years ago at 3:28 pm
    1. Millard Fratmore

      I was ashamed of that picture. No Delta Chi chapter should be like that, regardless of the collective TFM’s opinion of D-Chi is.

      14 years ago at 4:30 pm
    1. IHSFrat1855

      Why are mine on a couple of fat chicks? I guess Mooos are the same at every school.

      14 years ago at 3:40 pm
    2. Till I Die 1855

      We are stuck with the cattle at my chaper too, no matter what we do they always stampede back.

      In Hoc.

      14 years ago at 6:50 am
  6. THE Guy Harvey

    Is no one going to point out the kids ear piercing in the video? Gayer than three dudes fucking two dudes.

    14 years ago at 4:16 pm
  7. Fratrick Star

    It’s spelled “fellatio,” TFM pledge. And what the post is saying does not describe a blow job. Apparently you’ve never had one, or you would know. Frankly, this just adds one more reason on why he needs to be blackballed. I no longer have to even watch the video for my weekend to be ruined because TFM pledge manages to annoy me enough from what he posts on the regular TFM wall.

    14 years ago at 4:33 pm
    1. BROnonia_Docet

      tongue punch the fart box is from Daniel Tosh’s twitter. Intern needs to get a life.

      14 years ago at 2:10 am