FAIL FRIDAY: Getting Ripped

Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Can you please put this on the wall so Taylor Chatley knows that I love her? I choke myself and think about her every night. TFM.

It was only a matter of time before we had a problem with stranglebating perverts stalking the TFM Sweethearts.

Went to Rent-A-Center to get the 60-inch flat screen I’ve always wanted. Guy let me take it for free because I said I was going to use it to watch The Masters. TFM.

You didn’t know Rent-A-Center had a special going where you say, “It’s for The Masters” and they let you take anything for free?

Slaying the slam doggy style the next morning with her face in a pool of my piss. TFTC.

You obviously know how to treat a lady.

My son will learn the Spanish alphabet, the Greek alphabet, and THEN the English alphabet. TFM.

It’s the American way.

Last night I fucked up a kid on the basketball team. Just kidding, I handed him a beer like a bitch and told him I was his biggest fan. TFM.

Congratulations you’re a pussy and a jackass.

Almost running out of gas on the interstate. NF. Getting a girl’s number by passing a business card and a magnum out the window doin’ 80. TFM.

What the fuck is James Bond doing in Wisconsin?

“No, of course I don’t love anyone else.” When you’re in a secret homosexual relationship with your uncle. TFM.

Lying to your girlfriend while your uncle regularly makes you his slampiece. Nice move.

My dad has been cheating on my mom with his secretary for 22 years. TFM.

This…is not something to be proud of.

Raging with 16 packs of 4 Loko and Monster and taking your shirt off to show girls how fucking shredded your abs are. TFM.

I hope you get struck by lightning.

Intern you better fucking post this or I will shit in your mouth while you sleep. Taylor Chatley needs to know I love her and I will suck her toes clean every single night for the rest of her magnificent fucking life. TFM.

Sending your IP address to the FBI.

“Hey bro, there aren’t any girls dancing in the cage. Let’s get in there and strut our stuff!”

You want to buy tickets to the gun show?

I really wish I’d seen this live.

Tanning and working on the swing. This is multitasking at its finest.


No self respecting fraternity man sings Monica’s “Angel Of Mine” on American Idol:

  1. kendrawilson

    My büddy’s hälf-sîstër mäkës $35 än höür ön thë cömpütër. Shë häs bëën öüt öf ä jöb för 7 mönths büt läst mönth hër päy wäs $2135 jüst wörkîng ön thë cömpütër för ä fëw höürs. Rëäd mörë ön thîs wëb sîtë…. Lazy&#173Cash10.c&#173o&#173m

    13 years ago at 11:37 am
  2. kendrawilson

    my friend’s mother makes $74 an hour on the computer. She has been fired for 8 months but last month her check was $8737 just working on the computer for a few hours. Go to this web site and read more…

    13 years ago at 11:37 am
    1. grandfrat

      because dudes on this site really need the “extra cash”
      if you are going to have your spam robot trash, or whatever they’re called… at least make it something that would pertain to us…

      13 years ago at 1:44 am
  3. ASratU

    Oh god. I’m KA’s sweetheart. At least he wasn’t awful.. but bless his heart.

    13 years ago at 2:25 pm
  4. Seriously

    I’m a Pike. Just went to Pike convention. Realized why rest of the country hates Pike. Sweet Jesus. Thankful to be one of the proud and the few; a member of an actually respectable Pike chapter. Lord have mercy, what have I done.

    13 years ago at 3:00 am
    1. Really

      *what have I done?

      I was also at Atlanta and I know why you are disgusted, but even you make me sick. Sweet God almighty.

      13 years ago at 3:11 am
    2. Really

      Yeah well you’re a fucking TKE, so you can go to hell. I hear it’s nice this time of year.

      13 years ago at 3:58 am
    3. Zamerson1868

      Yeah just came back from it and saw guys wearing fucking Cargos, and bandannas and shit. We went to Georgia Tech and they asked us why we were dressed so nice. They sucked so much dick it made me sick. They told told us to worn them when my chapters coming back down, and I told them not to worry cause we wont be returning.

      13 years ago at 11:19 am
  5. livengood

    VCU is full of fatties, and apparently there is a really fat guy in Pike there too

    13 years ago at 5:18 am