Fail Friday: He Lives de Life
Ten real submissions, four photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Drinking even though your jaw is wired shut. TFM.
You know if you puke, you die, right?
Tried to change my password to my dick but it wouldn’t let me, it said it was too long. TFM.
“I’m sorry, the password you’ve chose is too well endowed.”
Bottom tier fraternity’s think we’re gay because of the way we dress. TFM.
There’s definitely a better way of saying what you’re trying to say.
Some random geed played “frat” on Words With Friends. On my next play I added “ernity” and told him in the chat to never call it that again. TFM.
On behalf of fraternity gentlemen nationwide, I thank you for taking a stand in Words With Friends.
Hazing pledges at a different chapter over Skype. TFM.
E-hazing is an art.
Wearing a FAF bow tie with my UPS uniform. TFM.
4 inch brown shorts. FAF.
Doctor asked how could I drink so much everyday. I told him, “I just have Intestinal Fratitude.” TFM.
-North Carolina
And he replied, “You just have cirrhosis of the liver.”
My formal date didn’t want me to stay with her but I still walked her home because I am a gentleman above everything else. TFM.
Don’t try to turn your lack of game and unsuccessful courtship into a gentleman move.
I bought my first apartment, and it even has crown molding. TFM.
-South Carolina
Clearly you live a life of luxury most could only dream of.
12 personal pledges and a Slampiece named Magdalene: Jesus. TFM.
Translation: “Excuse me, I’d like a one-way ticket straight to Hell. Thank you.”
Backstage passes to see Slipknot. FaF.
This photo shoot never should’ve happened, and there’s more of it to come.
Dance like there’s no one watching.
Being over-committed. TFM…or TSM, I can’t tell.
14 years ago at 2:55 pm
14 years ago at 2:59 pmYou’re so fuckin’ bro
how did you even know of that
14 years ago at 3:01 pmHeard it somewhere a while ago, the only logical place that would actually be posted is there. And amazingly, it’s the second highest rated post on that shitty site
14 years ago at 3:04 pmThat site is pretty much a place where geeds go to pretend they’re fratty.
14 years ago at 12:49 amhaha wow LXA thats just sad.
14 years ago at 2:59 pmFUCK YOU! The LXA chapter at NMSU is the frattiest fraternity here
14 years ago at 3:07 pmya judging from that picture total phrat
14 years ago at 3:21 pmAt NMSU all LXA does is walk around with their shirts off, maybe TFTC?
14 years ago at 3:50 pmShut up PAlion1. Everyone knows SAE at NMSU is nothing but steroided out guido wannabe’s. NF.
SAE= Sexual Assault Expected.
14 years ago at 4:18 pmWe party way harder than lxa
14 years ago at 4:28 pmYeah, you guys do…..if you consider roofie-ing girls “partying hard”
14 years ago at 4:29 pmYou two realize you’re having a debate over what fraternity is best at New Mexico State? That’s like winning the tallest-midget contest. Best of luck with your futures, you’re going to need it.
14 years ago at 10:42 pmHaha how many “Pedro’s” y’all got in your chapter?
14 years ago at 7:19 amhow many jethro’s do you have in your fraternity hick boy
14 years ago at 10:49 amPAlion, go to your pledge ed and request to be hazed until you know and appreciate your fraternity’s history. SAE was founded as a white, southern fraternity.
14 years ago at 6:52 pmThat video is either the result of a lost bet or a requirement to join a group at his local men’s club. Whichever it is the people who thought up this task are genius.
14 years ago at 3:00 pmThis fail friday wasn’t as good as the others. The Colorado post was pretty funny but it just wasn’t TFM material.
14 years ago at 3:00 pmChili’s guy?
14 years ago at 3:08 pmI pretty much quit using TFM… Too many shitty trolls and too many shitty posts. If the posts improve, I’ll return.
14 years ago at 4:49 pmThe Slipknot kid is totally frat. Don’t you see the polo horse on his shirt?
14 years ago at 3:09 pmi cant see em but i bet hes got sperrys on too
14 years ago at 4:08 pmnot a frat picture unless the sperrys are posed in the shot
14 years ago at 10:47 amveto. a geed in frat clothes does not a fratstar make.
14 years ago at 1:48 pmshut up
14 years ago at 12:17 amHazing pledges over skype was actually funny. Maybe not wall worthy, but definitely not Fail Friday material.
14 years ago at 3:18 pmI thought it was a good idea, actually. Like a swear word-filled conference call with pledges.
14 years ago at 12:59 amWe’ve done this… about a tenth as cool as it sounds.
14 years ago at 12:36 pmTaking a 1.2 pound beer shit. TFM
14 years ago at 3:34 pmYou sound like you got peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
14 years ago at 3:44 pm