Fail Friday: He Lives de Life

Ten real submissions, four photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Drinking even though your jaw is wired shut. TFM.

You know if you puke, you die, right?

Tried to change my password to my dick but it wouldn’t let me, it said it was too long. TFM.

“I’m sorry, the password you’ve chose is too well endowed.”

Bottom tier fraternity’s think we’re gay because of the way we dress. TFM.

There’s definitely a better way of saying what you’re trying to say.

Some random geed played “frat” on Words With Friends. On my next play I added “ernity” and told him in the chat to never call it that again. TFM.

On behalf of fraternity gentlemen nationwide, I thank you for taking a stand in Words With Friends.

Hazing pledges at a different chapter over Skype. TFM.

E-hazing is an art.

Wearing a FAF bow tie with my UPS uniform. TFM.

4 inch brown shorts. FAF.

Doctor asked how could I drink so much everyday. I told him, “I just have Intestinal Fratitude.” TFM.
-North Carolina

And he replied, “You just have cirrhosis of the liver.”

My formal date didn’t want me to stay with her but I still walked her home because I am a gentleman above everything else. TFM.

Don’t try to turn your lack of game and unsuccessful courtship into a gentleman move.

I bought my first apartment, and it even has crown molding. TFM.
-South Carolina

Clearly you live a life of luxury most could only dream of.

12 personal pledges and a Slampiece named Magdalene: Jesus. TFM.

Translation: “Excuse me, I’d like a one-way ticket straight to Hell. Thank you.”

Backstage passes to see Slipknot. FaF.

This photo shoot never should’ve happened, and there’s more of it to come.

Dance like there’s no one watching.

Being over-committed. TFM…or TSM, I can’t tell.

You don’t live de life, he lives de life:

  1. TazewellBROford1868

    Honestly, im a pike and im to the point where im just laughing my ass off at our other chapters and brothers on here. Yeah, its embarresing but fuck it, atleast I know I’m not in their spot.

    14 years ago at 9:23 pm
    1. To The Hazement

      Yeah i know what you mean. I dont know why some of the other brothers cant just laugh and not take it so seriously. I think this shit is hilarious. Thank god im from the SEC and not from one of these other chapters. They’ll learn someday hopefully.

      14 years ago at 6:37 pm
    2. Bronan the Barbarian

      Your nationals do hand out charters fairly easily. You have over 200 chapters. Very few fraternities do. This is why you end up with chapters like these. This is why our exec council is so tough about expansion decisions, they make sure the school in question has a pool of the kind of guys we tend to recruit nationally and nationals comes in to ensure the colonization process goes smoothly and that we get decent guys to start. We don’t want a bunch of embarrassing chapters on our hands. I truly do empathize with you all though. Pike, for the longest time, was one of the most respected fraternities nationally, as well as one of the oldest. You guys will eventually get your shit together on the national level again. It can happen to any organization if the leadership loses focus. You all are most likely about my age, so if you want to fix it, get involved nationally after you graduate, work your way up, and reform or eliminate all of these geed-infested chapters to restore your name. Your nationals did it here at Maryland and Pike is back to being a pretty good group of guys again.

      14 years ago at 11:44 am
  2. Never Without Pearls

    I actually like the post from the Iowa frat daddy who walked his date home. It shows the classiness of us sorority women and it’s very gentlemen like of him. Snaps to you, sir!!

    14 years ago at 9:56 pm
  3. AlphaGammaBrhoo

    Take the TKE’s picture off, he does not want it posted and the person who posted stated picture will be in legal trouble.

    14 years ago at 10:10 pm
    1. Fratticus Finch

      If the picture was publicly posted online, there’s not much you can do.

      Having no legal ground to stand on, but suing anyway. TFTC?

      14 years ago at 11:44 am
    1. Rooski1586

      There are many fraternities worse than Pike. Pike is a really good fraternity, people just have a way of finding and exploiting the really shitty chapters.

      14 years ago at 12:05 am
    2. 1776Farmer

      ^good point. PIKE is a pretty good fraternity at a few colleges but what gives them such a bad rep is the worst of the worst chapters are rock bottom GDI’s.

      14 years ago at 8:43 am
    3. SECGreek

      Thing about TKE chapters is, after the early 2000’s a good few of the strongest chapters tanked thanks to weakened Nationals. When you have a strong TKE chapter, they’re pretty damn good. when you have a weak TKE chapter, well.. they’re weak. Nothing more to it.

      Pike is shitty just about everywhere. Take it from a guy who goes to UGA, where Pike’s chapter here is supposedly one of their better chapters. My ass, not even Pike alumni like that chapter.

      14 years ago at 11:45 am
    4. To The Hazement

      I’ve never heard of anyone saying that PIKE at UGA is good. If you are from the SEC and have been to any other PIKE chapter in the SEC you would know that they are not bad everywhere. I’m not saying they are good everywhere in the SEC, but there are definitely plenty of good, fratty chapters. You are basing your entire perception of a fraternity off of the chapter at your school and what you read on this website.

      14 years ago at 6:46 pm
  4. 1776Farmer

    The SigEp picture looks like a complete joke. i don’t think thats degrading enough to make it on to the fail friday column

    14 years ago at 8:40 am
  5. WV_SLAG

    Ohh fellow PIKE brethren, when will you kids learn… but seriously, stop posting pictures of yourselves.

    14 years ago at 8:45 am
    1. To The Hazement

      No PIKE brothers are sending these pictures in it’s just brothers from other fraternities sending pictures that they find on some PIKE chapter website from whatever shitty, small school they go to just to get it on Fail Friday. On that note, I think the pictures sent in are fucking hilarious most of the time.

      14 years ago at 6:53 pm
  6. WV_SLAG

    Whoever told you that you could come out of the kitchen and start posting on TFM, please cut it out.
    -That is all for now.

    14 years ago at 12:26 pm