Fail Friday: If at First You Don’t Succeed

Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Ex-girlfriend was a Theta and cheated on me with a filthy GDI. That’s okay, she asked me to take her back after she was ostracized by her sisters. As if being a pariah in her own sorority wasn’t good enough, her mother and 2 daughters blew me. Just to spite that bitch. TFM.
-South Dakota

What is going on here? This is complicated in a truly disturbing way.

Spurt of the moment sex hotline calls. TFM.

Even the FaF get lonely sometimes.

Played Edward 40 hands with my slam’s Dad last night. Woke up next to his wife. TlawsuitM.

Your slam’s fam sounds like a class act.

Doctor just told me that he thinks I have an ulcer and the reason why I probably have an ulcer is because I “binge drink” and he is referring me to another doctor. Good thing I didn’t tell him the real amount I drink, or he’d be referring me to AA. TFM.

Either way, you have a drinking related ulcer disease. You’ve got a problem.

Actually peeing in the summer slam’s butt. TFM.

Ah, summer. When a young man’s fancy turns to butt peeing.

Randomly crying throughout the day because you have depression NF. Randomly crying throughout the day because you cry after you ejaculate. TFM.
-North Carolina

This should be discussed with a psychiatric specialist, not the TFM wall.

A call girl OD’d in my room at the fratcastle when I was a sophomore. My bros helped me bury the hookers body the next county over, and we haven’t breathed a word about it since. TFM.

It seems like every week someone admits to a felony.

In the Mushroom Kingdom, the Goombas would be in Pi Koopa Alpha. TFM.
-Mushroom Kingdom University

A terrible, terrible attempt at humor.

My girlfriend can queef on command. We are married now. TFM.

I wish you both the best in a long and fruitful marriage.

I guess that’s appropriate attire for whatever muni you’re playing on.

DJ Bottom Tier

Is that Richard Simmons with Sigma Chi? Holy shit, it is.

That sweater is kinda gay.

This is a real rager.

Look out Animal House…

    1. Cali TTKA

      Really DerekHuff??? Because I’m in that picture and we’ve never had a broken window.

      13 years ago at 10:05 am
    1. SECGreek

      There’s nothing more entertaining than a DTD trying to take a stab at another fraternity. Go home, GDI

      13 years ago at 3:40 pm
    2. Fratticus the 3rd

      Actually, there is nothing more entertaining, than your gay ass comment.

      13 years ago at 8:32 pm
    1. James Parks Fratwell

      Mario has some Fratty traits. Mustache. FaF. “Climbing in pipes” to get the girl. TFM.

      13 years ago at 2:37 am
    1. Fratslash

      Oh it made it to DVD. I’ve had the misfortune of actually watching it. A hour and a half of my life that I can never get back.

      13 years ago at 10:06 pm
    2. PAlion1

      Fratticus needs to be fucking black balled. He’s commented on almost every post here and nothing is positive. Go get a life man

      13 years ago at 11:22 am
  1. Woodhouse Sullivan V

    These weekly Pike pictures almost make it better being a GDI than in that shitty fraternity. Almost.

    13 years ago at 3:23 pm
  2. Daddys Little Doctor

    I cant decide if the “spurt of the moment” is a clever play on words or just an ironic typo.

    13 years ago at 3:35 pm
  3. Good Frattributes

    “You think I’m an A student? I don’t even know where the fuck I slept last night” TFTC (that he’s in a shit film)

    13 years ago at 3:48 pm