Fail Friday: If at First You Don’t Succeed
Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Ex-girlfriend was a Theta and cheated on me with a filthy GDI. That’s okay, she asked me to take her back after she was ostracized by her sisters. As if being a pariah in her own sorority wasn’t good enough, her mother and 2 daughters blew me. Just to spite that bitch. TFM.
-South Dakota
What is going on here? This is complicated in a truly disturbing way.
Spurt of the moment sex hotline calls. TFM.
Even the FaF get lonely sometimes.
Played Edward 40 hands with my slam’s Dad last night. Woke up next to his wife. TlawsuitM.
Your slam’s fam sounds like a class act.
Doctor just told me that he thinks I have an ulcer and the reason why I probably have an ulcer is because I “binge drink” and he is referring me to another doctor. Good thing I didn’t tell him the real amount I drink, or he’d be referring me to AA. TFM.
Either way, you have a drinking related ulcer disease. You’ve got a problem.
Actually peeing in the summer slam’s butt. TFM.
Ah, summer. When a young man’s fancy turns to butt peeing.
Randomly crying throughout the day because you have depression NF. Randomly crying throughout the day because you cry after you ejaculate. TFM.
-North Carolina
This should be discussed with a psychiatric specialist, not the TFM wall.
A call girl OD’d in my room at the fratcastle when I was a sophomore. My bros helped me bury the hookers body the next county over, and we haven’t breathed a word about it since. TFM.
It seems like every week someone admits to a felony.
In the Mushroom Kingdom, the Goombas would be in Pi Koopa Alpha. TFM.
-Mushroom Kingdom University
A terrible, terrible attempt at humor.
My girlfriend can queef on command. We are married now. TFM.
I wish you both the best in a long and fruitful marriage.
I guess that’s appropriate attire for whatever muni you’re playing on.
DJ Bottom Tier
Is that Richard Simmons with Sigma Chi? Holy shit, it is.
That sweater is kinda gay.
This is a real rager.
And TKE has been doing so well at not showing up. Well, time to start my timer over.
Still love my Fraternity though.
14 years ago at 3:56 pmThank you for handling this better than every single Pike on this site. They’re so quick to sell out their brothers as soon as Friday comes around.
14 years ago at 4:36 pmEvery fraternity will make its rounds; it’s bound to happen to everyone. YITB
14 years ago at 3:23 amPike has no problem throwing brothers under the bus, its one thing to be ashamed but they take it to a new level which is why pike is always on fail Friday, everyone talks shit about them and will always be at the bottom of every tier.
14 years ago at 11:24 amFAR from bottom tier at my campus, and I’ve never thrown a fellow PIKE under the bus on this website.
14 years ago at 11:58 am^And every PIKE thinks that they’re top tier.
14 years ago at 3:18 pmI don’t even want to know who posted the South Dakota one…
14 years ago at 4:01 pmThat TKE kid just had all his fantasies come true.
14 years ago at 4:07 pmToken retard brother…TFTC?
14 years ago at 5:22 pm^this
14 years ago at 4:24 pmFail Friday AGAIN!!! Now where is that Chili’s Guy???
14 years ago at 4:08 pmYou’re not funny.
14 years ago at 6:00 pmSince you took the time to make a joke account, it wouldn’t surprise me if you were also the chili’s guy. Get a fucking life.
14 years ago at 9:33 pm^ I believe you are right. The Chilli’s guy was funny the first two times, but let’s not beat a dead horse. Chilli’s guy is lame.
14 years ago at 2:46 am
holy shit, it actually was a movie..
14 years ago at 4:08 pmAnd its on Netflix Instant Watch
14 years ago at 4:21 pmnetflix movies suck
14 years ago at 8:59 pmAs was aforementioned, fail friday has really gone downhill. Most of these aren’t even funny. The pictures also sucked this week, don’t grace the cocksucker in the first one by even putting him on fail friday. Piss poor effort tfm intern.
14 years ago at 4:08 pmHow do these pictures suck? This week’s pics are fucking hilarious and full of fail.
14 years ago at 4:48 pm^This
Are you fucking serious?
There is a photo of “special” people playing with balloons. Retards are fucking hilarious. Laugh.
14 years ago at 8:39 pmGetting blackout drunk and jazzercizing with Richard Simmons FaF.
14 years ago at 4:27 pmI’m offended by the “golfer.” Seriously, it disgusts me to see the game of golf ridiculed like that.
14 years ago at 4:32 pmI don’t know what is worse the golfer or the course. I have better grass in my backyard.
14 years ago at 5:02 pmI don’t think that’s a course they don’t have that kind of grass…. Well no courses I’ve seen.
14 years ago at 1:38 pmThat TKE photo would have been FaF if it had been a clown making a bicycle.
14 years ago at 4:48 pmI fucking hate movies about fraternities.
14 years ago at 4:51 pm* I fucking hate movies about fraternities that were made AFTER 1989.
14 years ago at 5:00 pmexcluding old school…
14 years ago at 5:01 pmSecond. Apparently we all wear cargo shorts, have gelled hair, and utilize the term “frat” at least once in every sentence. Hoping Atomic Productions comes through with some form of visual entertainment that portrays fraternity men in a more accurate light.
14 years ago at 5:02 pmFuck California
14 years ago at 6:37 amYou guys are right. I retract my original statement and say I hate new movies about fraternities. TV shows don’t do us justice either. Guaranteed that the people involved in the production of these shows and movies all either didn’t get a bid or got balled.
14 years ago at 4:56 pm