Ten real submissions, 20 photos, and four videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Having a well groomed mullet but paying no attention to your pubic hair. TFM.

I respect that hygiene strategy.

Chasing your pulls of fireball by munching on some box. TFM.

I’m sure she really appreciates that.

Sneaking into the church early and icing your preacher so everyone knows how frat you are. TFM.

Oh man bro did you really ice your preacher so frat so college.

How do you activate your account?

Your account had to be activated to submit this…

Freebasing Adderall because the high is more pure and you have the need for speed. TFM.

Gotta get that purest high, baby.

I’ve never felt comfortable around Italians. TFM.

Thanks for sharing with the class.

Took some mushrooms before economics and pooped my pants mid-lecture. TFM.

If pooping your pants mid-lecture is cool, consider me Miles Davis.

When she’s riding you and you just start screaming at the top of your lungs like you’re being murdered to get her all tight. TFM.

There has to be a better, safer way.

Tugging yourself off during the republican presidential debates. TFM.

Whoever makes you finish gets your vote?

Hair like Moses, money like Pharaoh, dick like Jesus. TFM.

How do you people come up with this shit?.


Sweet dreams, angel.
Sweet dreams, angel.
When you get one like.
One like, huh? That’s neat.
He hath passed.
He hath passed.
Have some respect, turds.
Have some respect, turds.
Kid isn't having a good day.
Kid isn’t having a good day.
The life of the party.
The life of the party.
Someone slap this fool.
Someone slap this fool.
Thats how you pull rushees.
That’s how you pull rushees.
Is that a...squirrel?
Is that a…squirrel?
Double-thumbs up is not the play.
Double-thumbs up is not the play.
Doing waaaay too much.
Doing waaaay too much.
You breathing, chief?
You breathing, chief?
When everyone at the party hates you.
When everyone at the party hates you.
Man down.
Man down.
Good Lord, man. Pull yourself together.
Good Lord, man — pull yourself together.
Expert stacking, right there.
Expert stacking, right there.
Chilling the most.
Chilling the most.
Son got Iron Man'ed.
Son got Iron Man’ed.
Yaaaay brothership!
Yaaaay brothership!
The fuck am I looking at here?
The fuck am I looking at here?

Playing Pee Pong

Kappa Sig MTV Cribs

Sorority Grass Gossip

Same Team, Bro


Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to

Now watch our newest video — “Legends of Intramural: A Dame In The Game”

  1. Kruk

    I always hang on to this small strand of hope that someday, you’ll make up for the three missed weeks of Fail Friday’s and give us one huge one but then I remember you’re a piece of shit and all hope is lost

    9 years ago at 10:28 am
  2. SphincteralMicturation

    Actually confused as to why a fairly normal looking rush banner is Fail Friday material

    9 years ago at 11:20 am
  3. LittleSpoon12

    Don’t think just because you put a guy with a squirrel on Fail Friday doesn’t mean we will forget about the “Frat Squirrel” you posted a while ago

    9 years ago at 12:29 pm
  4. MitchTheGodfatherMatin

    Was really hoping pike would be able to go this week without some shirtless gay boys, I knew I shouldn’t have got my hopes up.

    9 years ago at 1:16 pm