FAIL FRIDAY: New Year, Same Pain
Below is the worst reader-submitted content of the week in the form of ten TFM’s, 20 photos, and three videos. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame. Have yourself a weekend.
Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to
I ate 26 asses this year. That’s a lot of butt salad. Respect my ambition. TFM.
This dude put up career numbers in 2016.
When a rando shows up to your party without booze and tries to freeload so you lead him down into the basement, bind him by his hands and feet, and tinkle on his face. TFM.
You could’ve just asked him to leave.
Catching your dad doing things with your butler when you’re 6 years old and carrying a weird homo fetish for service industry folks for the rest of your life. TFM.
This column is becoming a weekly confessionary for those of you with the most serious of issues.
Being down to snort literally anything. Coke, molly, salt, sand, PCP, whatever. Bring it. TFM.
Odds of you dying at a young age are strong to quite strong.
Shotgunning a beer before your 9am class so you can hit on the girl that sits next to you because you’ve literally forgotten how to converse with the opposite sex unless under the influence. TFM.
Jesus man that is both sad and incredible.
Paying good money to watch a couple of bears fuck in the woods. TFM.
If there’s some weird code language going on here, it’s way over my head.
Tom drinks beers. Tom slams sluts. Tom has two types of HPV. I am Tom. TFM.
Keep it real, Tom.
Commanding the handsome price of $20 for a glory hole handjob on Craigslist. TFM.
Seems like you’re lowballing yourself here, champ.
Being a sexual caterpillar. TFM.
I literally have no idea what this means.
Going to make out with my left hand while I beat with my right at the stroke of midnight pun intended on New Year’s. TFM.
Definitely counts as a New Year’s kiss, in my professional opinion.

Could Not Make A More Awkward Video If You Tried
Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to
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This is trash
8 years ago at 11:55 amYou’re trash
8 years ago at 1:31 pmFuck you, intern, for posting this Fail Friday somewhat early based on your shitty past posting pattern
8 years ago at 11:58 amIt only took you literally the entire year to figure out how to post this in a timely manner.
8 years ago at 12:09 pmAll the marshmallow girls could get it.
8 years ago at 12:16 pmHow many could they fit up their butts?
8 years ago at 12:41 pmNot exactly sure. We need to round them up for research.
8 years ago at 1:28 pmMotione to allot funds for marshmallows and people tracking services.
8 years ago at 1:31 pmI move that you go back to 2nd grade
8 years ago at 1:38 pmThis is the worst one yet. Chug Bleach Intern
8 years ago at 12:25 pmThe dun lap was actually sort of funny.
8 years ago at 12:27 pmI’m not usually this drunk when I’m on TFM…..rather, I’m not on TFM when I’m this drunk.
8 years ago at 9:08 pmHorse CVNT
8 years ago at 10:46 pmThanks for reassuring me that a bunch of dumbasses go to my school.
8 years ago at 12:37 pmUh, you go to Georgia. What further reassurance do you need?
8 years ago at 12:45 pmIt’s not a new year yet you fucking idiot piece of shit.
8 years ago at 12:41 pmPledge brothers was at least somewhat creative
8 years ago at 12:46 pmHow
8 years ago at 1:43 pmThat money I earned in the woods put me through college.
8 years ago at 12:47 pmBear fucker! Do you need assistance?
8 years ago at 1:09 pm