FAIL FRIDAY: Punch In The Balls
Ten real submissions, 20 photos, and three videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Intentionally breaking my leg in order to get prescribed Vicodin. TFM.
You’re a drug addict. You need help.
Being removed as a potential juror because “drinking beer and slamming slams” isn’t the occupation they’re looking for in a juror. TFM.
“He can’t be on this jury. He’s frat as fuck.” -The Judge
Put my dick in a gordita and told my slam, “Yo quiero suck my dick.” TFM.
Not sure that translates the way want it to, chief.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of Natty. Jack fell down after too much crown and Jill said, “Oh you’re fratty.” TFM.
–North Carolina
The world will be a better place when you perish from it.
Kneeling on the mini-golf course so you can use your club as a long putter. TFM.
-South Carolina
Hopefully one of your friends drop-kicked you in the back.
Positioning your iPhone in your frocket so your nipples vibrate every time the slam hits you up. TFM.
Now that’s what I call “sexting.”
Putting a whoopy cushion under the hottest girl in class so no other frat dawgs will talk to her. TAllMineM.
Power move.
Eating soup with a fork. TFM.
It’s funny because it can’t be done!
Being eskimo bros with the frathound. TFM.
Gross, dude.
Was wanking my cobra to punishtube the other day and accidentally OG Mudbone’d my ropes into the girl in front of me’s hair. She was impressed by my load and is now my main squeeze. TFM.
Classic fairytale love story, right there.
Sleeping on top of your doghouse. TFM.
I’d rather sleep in a bush than wear that hat.
“How’d last night end up for you?” Not good.
I don’t know what’s worse: her passing out, whoever is poking her with that pole, or whoever climbed the stall to take this photo.
Continue to page 2 for more photos and videos…
You know Intern, i’ve never really gave a shit about when you posted this before, but now after reading everyone else’s comments I just want to destroy everything you’ve ever loved.
12 years ago at 1:18 pm^ I must say, your name is my favorite.
12 years ago at 1:39 pmYou both are homos
12 years ago at 5:20 amI would respectfully ask Ms. gretzky to sit on my face
12 years ago at 1:20 pmfraturniture for a second week , and its still a classic
12 years ago at 1:20 pmYes
12 years ago at 2:07 pmScrew you, you cock sucking, dick fucking, cum guzzling piece of this Intern. We all know that Fraturniture is a classic hit and shouldn’t be on Fail Friday. Also get this shit up before lunch and tell your mom and sister thanks for last night.
12 years ago at 1:22 pmLol’d at eating soup with a fork. Definitely a TFM
12 years ago at 1:22 pmI want to see Rebecca Martinson do a Fail Friday
12 years ago at 1:26 pmThat guy puking with a can in his back pocket. FaF.
12 years ago at 1:28 pmHey Intern
12 years ago at 1:34 pm^
12 years ago at 9:06 pmOne of my posts finally got published!! Wahoo
12 years ago at 1:37 pmWay to go dumbass
12 years ago at 2:13 pmThanks.
12 years ago at 4:18 pmWhat fucking chapter of Sigma Nu was that in the video?
12 years ago at 1:43 pm