FAIL FRIDAY: Please Stop Icing Each Other

Ten real submissions, five photos and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

I’ve seen Garth Brooks live in concert. The ultimate frat move. TFM.

You really need to get out more.

Went to the doctor today. After looking at my low pulse, she asked if I played a sport in college. I told her, “Yes, drinking!” TFM.

I bet she burst into laughter and immediately signed off on your clean bill of health because you’re such a gifted fucking comedian. Not.

That moment when you sit down after driving home from the bar and think “did I run over any pedestrians on my way back?” TFM.
-New Jersey

Add this to the list of reasons I stay the hell away from Jersey.

No GDI, I don’t chill, I ice, now if you don’t know what that means, say chill again. TFM.
-New York

You are the reason that icing is no longer cool.

Dad always says “Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life. So get wasted and have the time of your life.” TFM.
-New York

Your dad is a waste of life.

Croakies on my Harry potter 3D glasses at the midnight premier. TFM.

Adding croakies to your sorcery viewing experience will not keep me from blackballing your account.

The unclassiest thing I’ve ever done is make the bathroom smell from a massive defecation. TSM.

I know it’s a TSM. I couldn’t resist.

My dick goes inside me when I sit down, makes it hard to pee. TFM.
-New Mexico

Your dick retracts into your body when you sit to pee? You’ve got a lot of issues my friend.

Old slam gave me the herp. NF. Keep banging my other slampieces anyway. A month later, fliers are posted around campus about a herpes outbreak. Coincidence? More like a TFM.

Any PR is good PR.

GDI vegetarian tagged along on bros night. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings. TFM.
-Washington DC

People like you reading the site is really good for our bottom line.

Sticker still on the flatbill. Dirk would be proud. Go Mavs.

Emo frat diversity.

The -3 Inch inseam. FaF.

I’m giving your chapter huge exposure. You’re welcome…

Are you a Sig Ep or a ZTA?

I wonder if I can get this song on iTunes…

  1. The Piker

    Life= Waste*Time
    Waste= Time*Life
    Life= (Time*Life)*Time
    Time= (Life*Time)*Life
    All your dad said is that all values must equal 1, because any of the 3 must equal itself if divided by another squared. For example, Time/Life^2=Time. Thus, Life has to equal 1, and Time has to equal 1 in the event that Life/Time^2=Life. So a better thing for your father to say would have been Life*Time= Waste, which could be twisted into something like “You only get 1 lifetime, so be sure to get wasted.” Still stupid, but, come on, your submission was retarded, and I have a feeling you believed to to be excellent. Also, I am really bored right now.

    14 years ago at 11:04 am
    1. Frattain Morgan

      He didn’t make FF this week, so he had to do something to get pike noticed.

      14 years ago at 6:41 pm
  2. frat_scratch_fever

    KYX is a Christian fraternity and they don’t get involved with Greek events at all. Why are they even on here?

    14 years ago at 11:32 am
    1. costa del SPE

      You are a fucking retard, SigEp is rarely on here. If you want to be thankful for not being something be thankful for not being a damn pike, you fucking douche.

      Frat on SPE

      14 years ago at 11:26 pm
  3. Frat McFratterson IV

    I understand that you are suppose to call every member of your fraternity nationwide your “brother”, but if I was a Sig Ep I would have a damn hard time calling those three guys in that picture my brother. Really, pink hair?

    14 years ago at 7:05 pm
    1. rainbowsociety

      it’s great when bottom-tier fratters try to distance themselves from their brothers. that’s some real fucking brotherhood right there.

      14 years ago at 8:18 am
  4. Rihanna Deserved It

    i literally thought the f.a.g. in the middle of the sig ep picture was a woman from the thumbnail on the main page. a very ugly woman.

    14 years ago at 8:40 am