FAIL FRIDAY: Running With Scissors

Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Being gay but still having slampieces to keep up appearances. TFM.
-South Carolina

Tom Cruise frat.

Sometimes I draw a penis on my face before I go out so people know I’m there to fucking party. TFM.

I’m sure everybody takes you seriously.

Getting your salad tossed by a stripper in her shower. TFM.

If it had been YOUR shower this wouldn’t have been a fail, but HER shower? Come on.

Kissed a guy just to see two girls make out. TFM.

Isn’t this the plot of one of the American Pie movies?

I stopped wearing American Eagle in the seventh grade when my house burned down. Thank God for fire. TFM.

So, had your house not burned down you’d still be rocking the Eagle?

The house beer bong doubles as an abortion vacuum. TFM.

This is almost as outlandish as the email we received requesting a TFM brand abortion probe.

A dozen Krispy Kremes and a case of Natty. Breakfast of champions. TFM.
-North Carolina

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.” -Dean Wormer

Running with scissors. TFM.

I hope you take your fucking eye out.

Singing Josh Turner’s “Your Man” as we run down sorority row in girl’s Nike running shorts. TFM.

This is an act of great masculinity.

I donated $10 to a charity to buy nets in Africa to help save millions of mosquitoes from AIDS. TFM.

Wait, what?

Too gay for words.

Yeah, these guys again. STILL more to comeā€¦

Sometimes I dance around the house in my sister’s dresses too.

Spring Break in Aruba. TFM.

Cylindrical penis with no head boner fail.

This may be the worst gathering of human beings ever captured on camera:

  1. PE

    I think they gathered up all the most hideous people in the world and decided to make a video.

    13 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. SouthernByGodsGrace

      Same here, one of the funniest TFMs I’ve ever read. How is that a fail?

      13 years ago at 4:51 pm
    2. Phratter

      The intern didn’t understand, but if you hadn’t seen that nets4poors commercial or whatever it’s called you probably wouldn’t get it either.

      13 years ago at 4:59 pm
    3. Dip

      I don’t think you have to see the commercial to get it, though. Lots of people in Africa have AIDS. Mosquitos bite lots of people in Africa. You see where I’m going with this considering the degree of racism exhibited on this site mixed with the very sick sense of humor many of us have…

      13 years ago at 11:33 pm
    1. shooter 1855

      Thank you for quoting the word song and not giving that crap the honour of actually being called music

      13 years ago at 12:17 pm