FAIL FRIDAY: Running With Scissors
Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Being gay but still having slampieces to keep up appearances. TFM.
-South Carolina
Tom Cruise frat.
Sometimes I draw a penis on my face before I go out so people know I’m there to fucking party. TFM.
I’m sure everybody takes you seriously.
Getting your salad tossed by a stripper in her shower. TFM.
If it had been YOUR shower this wouldn’t have been a fail, but HER shower? Come on.
Kissed a guy just to see two girls make out. TFM.
Isn’t this the plot of one of the American Pie movies?
I stopped wearing American Eagle in the seventh grade when my house burned down. Thank God for fire. TFM.
So, had your house not burned down you’d still be rocking the Eagle?
The house beer bong doubles as an abortion vacuum. TFM.
This is almost as outlandish as the email we received requesting a TFM brand abortion probe.
A dozen Krispy Kremes and a case of Natty. Breakfast of champions. TFM.
-North Carolina
“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.” -Dean Wormer
Running with scissors. TFM.
I hope you take your fucking eye out.
Singing Josh Turner’s “Your Man” as we run down sorority row in girl’s Nike running shorts. TFM.
This is an act of great masculinity.
I donated $10 to a charity to buy nets in Africa to help save millions of mosquitoes from AIDS. TFM.
Wait, what?
Too gay for words.
Yeah, these guys again. STILL more to comeā¦
Sometimes I dance around the house in my sister’s dresses too.
Spring Break in Aruba. TFM.
Cylindrical penis with no head boner fail.
Aaaaaaand we finally make Fail Friday.
14 years ago at 4:47 pmWas think same thing… Guess it had to happen sometime..
14 years ago at 5:55 pmthinking*
14 years ago at 6:11 pmIt seems that any fraternity big nationally has been on Fail Friday (exception of pike). Just a thought but if you havent you not be a big fraternity
14 years ago at 7:55 pmHaha finally
14 years ago at 8:49 amHey, glad that helps you justify it.
14 years ago at 9:33 amAt least it wasn’t as bad as pike
13 years ago at 5:29 pmhaha didnt realize that many sigma pis are on TFM
13 years ago at 5:41 pmBoners. TFM.
13 years ago at 9:04 amand so the shit show of our fraternity begins…. Damn
13 years ago at 3:45 pmAbout time.
13 years ago at 11:46 pmFor sure Bro. That black bro is FAF… keep trying TFM, maybe one day you will get Sigma Pi actually failing.
13 years ago at 3:55 pmOJ Simpson pledge “the glove fits”. Doing this to our next colored boy pledge. Frat on brothers.
13 years ago at 11:54 pmhaha oh LXA, two pictures in a row of gay material. Sounds about right
14 years ago at 4:48 pmLambda Chi rammed a guy
14 years ago at 6:44 pm^this guy gets it
14 years ago at 7:33 pmHaha I get it.. Because it rhymes, right?
14 years ago at 7:35 pmThe fact that it rhymes is only a coincidence.
14 years ago at 8:43 pmThose fucking chops.
14 years ago at 8:48 pmIt’s about time someone found something bad about Lambda Chi.
14 years ago at 10:26 pmI’m all about being able to laugh at my own fraternity. But using multiple pictures from the same event two weeks in a row? That’s just half-assing it.
14 years ago at 10:40 pmi wouldn’t expect anything less from the chops at NSU.
14 years ago at 1:20 amPAlion1 . Fuck yeah
13 years ago at 10:57 amthat has to be the best fail friday video
14 years ago at 4:48 pm
14 years ago at 4:48 pmhahaha yes
14 years ago at 5:29 pmhahahah
14 years ago at 6:17 pmNow this was a Gay Friday.
14 years ago at 4:53 pmExcept the crazy black guy with wood, he’s about to start a rape party.
14 years ago at 8:03 amhahaha rape parties…Pike parties?
13 years ago at 11:43 pmWow LXA two in a row?
14 years ago at 4:55 pmpike runner up.
14 years ago at 6:46 pmFuck you frocket. This is the second time ever we’ve been on Fail Friday. Kindly sprint across an 8 lane road.
14 years ago at 9:42 pm^pussy
14 years ago at 2:29 am^Probably, but I kinda have to agree with Fratty. We’ve been on here twice, including one rehashed picture. SAE and Fiji have been here more… So has KA, Sigma Chi… you get it.
14 years ago at 4:52 amLet’s not confuse Sig Ep and SAE’s here buddy. That’s just an insult.
13 years ago at 9:45 pmWhat zoo was the video filmed at?
14 years ago at 4:57 pm^this
14 years ago at 11:11 amthat slampede video was amazing…
14 years ago at 5:00 pmgonna call you out on this one. a slampede is a stampede of slams, so like sorority bid day at certain schools. this was a bunch of girls you should never, EVER call slams (that is the only kind of virginity I ever want to keep untainted, but not for their sakes) running around in circles until they were out of breath, which for a lot of them was like 2 laps.
14 years ago at 5:03 pmSomeone doesn’t get it
14 years ago at 6:29 pmThe picture of the black guy is too funny.
14 years ago at 5:09 pm*Color Boy
14 years ago at 5:17 pmReally now? I know we all like to poke fun at those different from us, but if you have someone JUST because of the color of their skin, you’re the worst type of person, especially when they’re greek.
That said, the “thug/gangstas” are fucking awful.
14 years ago at 5:31 pm^agreed.
14 years ago at 7:23 pmWho tinkled in your cornflakes?
14 years ago at 8:28 pmThe Glove Fits.
14 years ago at 12:59 amI don’t hate black people but color boy will forever be my favorite adjective to describe said black.
14 years ago at 2:31 amSo if I made a comment about how funny the gay guys are would Fratstar Runner say JUST because their gay they have feelings to? You homo.
14 years ago at 11:46 amI prefer the term “racially challenged.”
13 years ago at 4:12 pmi didn’t know fail Friday meant gay Friday…we understand that gay things are gay.
14 years ago at 5:12 pm