FAIL FRIDAY: Running With Scissors

Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Being gay but still having slampieces to keep up appearances. TFM.
-South Carolina

Tom Cruise frat.

Sometimes I draw a penis on my face before I go out so people know I’m there to fucking party. TFM.

I’m sure everybody takes you seriously.

Getting your salad tossed by a stripper in her shower. TFM.

If it had been YOUR shower this wouldn’t have been a fail, but HER shower? Come on.

Kissed a guy just to see two girls make out. TFM.

Isn’t this the plot of one of the American Pie movies?

I stopped wearing American Eagle in the seventh grade when my house burned down. Thank God for fire. TFM.

So, had your house not burned down you’d still be rocking the Eagle?

The house beer bong doubles as an abortion vacuum. TFM.

This is almost as outlandish as the email we received requesting a TFM brand abortion probe.

A dozen Krispy Kremes and a case of Natty. Breakfast of champions. TFM.
-North Carolina

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.” -Dean Wormer

Running with scissors. TFM.

I hope you take your fucking eye out.

Singing Josh Turner’s “Your Man” as we run down sorority row in girl’s Nike running shorts. TFM.

This is an act of great masculinity.

I donated $10 to a charity to buy nets in Africa to help save millions of mosquitoes from AIDS. TFM.

Wait, what?

Too gay for words.

Yeah, these guys again. STILL more to comeā€¦

Sometimes I dance around the house in my sister’s dresses too.

Spring Break in Aruba. TFM.

Cylindrical penis with no head boner fail.

This may be the worst gathering of human beings ever captured on camera:

  1. tweak364

    The completely homosexual Lambda Chis bending over are from NSU in Oklahoma. Homos in the picture, homes is real life.

    13 years ago at 6:41 pm
    1. the fratness monster

      Assuming you go to NSU,

      What’s it like going to a school with an acceptance rate above 80%? The fact that you go to NSU is a fail itself.

      13 years ago at 6:55 pm
    2. brochachomigo

      and the other rambda guys (the bunny ears that made two fail fridays in a row) are from new mexico state.

      13 years ago at 7:05 pm
    3. squatter384

      Assuming “Fratness Monster” lives at home with his mom where there is a 100% Acceptance rate. That is a Fail itself.

      13 years ago at 8:27 pm
    4. Beer Quisque Beer

      Assuming the squatter is squatting on top of a dick right now. I will tell him to go fuck himself at a later time.

      13 years ago at 11:25 pm
    5. tweak364

      Awww, how sweet guys! Beer Quisque Beer is standing up for his butt buddy The fratness monster.

      13 years ago at 9:29 am
    6. the fratness monster

      Tweak: I don’t have to stand up for myself. I’m glad you had enough time to respond to my first post 4 minutes later, you’re weekend must be raging. You also have probably worked at Chili’s at some point in your miserable life. Right?
      Squatter: You realize that we are in college and therefore don’t have an income to sustain ourselves like we are used to, so yeah I live with my parents during the summer along with 95% of the people on this site. You fail again, NSU is a joke of a school.

      13 years ago at 7:34 pm
    7. tweak364

      Man, you guys are way too sensitive for this website. I’ll be sure to refrain from making any jokes that might hurt your little feelings.

      13 years ago at 12:30 pm
    8. the fratness monster

      Talking shit about other fraternities is too sensitive if you ask me, if you don’t have a valid opinion. Since you go to NSU, you have no valid opinion. Let me guess, you are majoring in either sociology or psychology?

      13 years ago at 2:56 pm
    1. Frat tastic

      Rattle Rattle here comes the cattle…..Pppphhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiii MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

      13 years ago at 8:41 pm
  2. Brohance

    Wait… So somebody actually thought at video deserved anything remotely close to a TFM post?

    13 years ago at 8:52 pm
  3. WWW1858

    Hahahaha look at the…er. What chapter would give a bid to a spear chucker?

    13 years ago at 6:48 am
    1. WWW1858

      Rainbow stop being a pussy PC liberal I don’t like em end of story so no I won’t. I guess being a traditionalist is a fail? Oh how this site has changed cause pussy like you.

      13 years ago at 2:51 pm
    2. southcar89

      oh don’t worry WWW there’s still people who share your views about naggers

      13 years ago at 1:27 am
    3. Frattin LikeMy Daddy

      What about the black guys fighting for us overseas? oh yeah…..You guys will never get that respect bros

      13 years ago at 11:11 am
    4. better_than_you

      Good question WWW1858, good question. Times are changing and not for the better.

      13 years ago at 2:02 pm
    5. Frattery

      Unequivocally hating black people is not “traditionalist,” nor does not doing so make you a “pussy PC liberal.” I can’t wait for fucking idiots like you to get weeded out of the gene pool.

      13 years ago at 5:59 pm