FAIL FRIDAY: Rushing The Field

Ten real submissions, 20 photos, and two videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Bagging your dad’s slam on Parent’s Weekend. TFM.

Your dad’s slam? Like, your mom? Wut?

“Oh cool, you bench 350? Well may watch is worth 500 so who’s the real winner here?” TFM.

Oh wow that’s a really nice Timex you’ve got there, baller.

Throwing up before 9 am. Haha go Vols. TFM.

Laughing at your own TFM mid-TFM is definitely a TFM.

Remembering that the reason you can’t unlock your phone is because you replaced that fingerprint with your frock print. TFM.

Would be really inconvenient if you had to take your dick out and press it to your phone every time you wanted to use it.

Assuming you forgot to wash your hands when someone walks into lecture with a fish sandwich. TFM.

Because you get so much pussy, and pussy smells like fish WE GET IT.

Having such a fratty house that sororities change their initiation dates to accommodate to your formal. TFM.

No, no they don’t.

Being know as the fratty sleeper in class. TFM.

Next person to say “fratty” is getting pistol-whipped.

Being a Canadian chapter, but still cheering, “USA! USA! USA!” every party. TFM.

You try-hard traitor.

Drinking Sally the Sweetheart’s glorious nectar after hitting the eject button on your frock-juice into her wiener koozie. TFM.

Wiener koozie is a spectacular term. I really enjoy that.

Steve Jobs adding a Greek keyboard to the new iPhone. TFM.

That n**** dead. You know that, right?

Mummy down.
Mummy down.
Man down.
Man down.
That bitch is sexy.
That bitch is sexy.
The fuck?
The fuck?
Hey man that urinal is for urine.
Hey man that urinal is for urine.
Thats a mistake.
That’s a mistake.
Impressive nipple strength.
Impressive nipple strength.
"You gotta be shitting me." -Cop
“You gotta be shitting me.” -Cop
Fockmingo is still alive and well.
Frockmingo is still alive and well.
Totally not staged.
Totally not staged.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
His night does not appear to be going well.
His night does not appear to be going well.
Failed field rush.
Failed field rush.
Jedi down.
Jedi down.
You got some on your shoulder, bruh.
You got some on your shoulder, bruh.
Great, guys. Really great. Good stuff. You'll never regret those.
Great, guys. Really great. Good stuff. You’ll never regret those.
There you go, just puke right on her head. Perfect.
There you go, just puke right on her head. Perfect.
Phone case game too strong.
Phone case game too strong.

Possibly The Worst Golfer Of All-Time

ATO Reads Mean Yik-Yaks


  1. Dthesmith

    To think i’ve been taking off my t-shirt the wrong way for 19 years. Thanks a lot, intern! You bitch.

    10 years ago at 4:01 pm