FAIL FRIDAY: Shit Gets Out of Hand
Ten real submissions, five photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Saw my slampiece on the Victoria Secrets show last night. I called her and asked why she wasn’t in the kitchen. TFM.
No, no you didn’t.
Using the fishing hook on your hat after you forgot the tackle box at home. TFM.
Everyone knows you’re the ultimate fisherman with no friends when you rock a hat with a fucking fish hook on it.
Making relatives from the other side of the family leave a funeral and change because they were wearing either cargo pants, braided belts, or zip up ties. TFM.
–North Carolina
I’m sorry for your loss, but I’d rather be dead than hang with your NF family.
If she’s old enough to pee then she’s old enough for me. TFM.
Your entire family, and most of the community, is disturbed by you.
Slamming through the dick pain. TFM.
Don’t let that extreme case of chaffing keep your from getting it in.
I’m not a legacy, because my dad was the first guy at an all girl school. They didn’t have any fraternities on campus, because there were only a few males on campus. He got in because my grandfather donated so much money to the school. TFM.
–North Carolina
No amount of explanation could validate this guy’s existence.
Blowing your load in a girl’s ass before you go down on it. What good is tossing salad without ranch? TFM.
Ranch can make almost any meal more enjoyable. But this one? No.
Giving your hot cousin the shocker after the rest of your family trypto-passes the fuck out. TFM.
What about your creepy Aunt that stays awake and watches?
Buying a table from Walmart to play pong on in my dorm room for a night then returning it the next day for a full refund. TFM.
-South Carolina
Total Welfare Move.
My GDI roommate is wicked annoying. Whenever he speaks out of line I point my inferred laser pen into his eye and remind him that GDIs only speak when spoken too. I employ similar tactics on my dog. TFM.
You couldn’t pay me to hang out with this guy.
I guess the bathroom was occupied, so he threw in a fat lip and shit a brick in a bowl.
I bet she looked like a 10 the night before.
This is what happens when a dumbass tries to pack a can. What the fuck is he wearing?
“These chicks aren’t into us, bro. Fuck it. Come here.”
Sometimes you party hard and shit gets out of hand.
The last picture is TFTC….too fecal to care
13 years ago at 9:27 pmPics were awful! And as a UGA student, I love the video! GO DAWGS! BEAT LSU!
13 years ago at 11:13 pmJudging by the pictures, shit got out of some peoples hands and made it’s way onto the floor, a bowl, a seat and that guys foot.
13 years ago at 12:07 amThat guy who stepped in his own feces definitely hoarded Four Lokos right before the effective ban date. Probably thought he won when he did it.
13 years ago at 3:53 amI think UGA is the only school with team logo overalls.
13 years ago at 12:42 pmNothing’s more frat than wearing suspenders AND a belt.
13 years ago at 3:39 pmLSU = NF
13 years ago at 6:05 pmReason your standing at the gates of hell right now: “At one point in your life, you enjoyed ingesting your own semen because you thought it tasted like ranch.” Sir, please come right in and make yourself at home.
13 years ago at 10:03 pmlooks like the guy who shit the floor did so in his sorostitutes room. TFTC if you ask me
13 years ago at 1:17 amAnd then LSU won the football game, despite Georgia having a black midget and geeds in suspenders.
13 years ago at 4:41 pmBottom pic is FaF haha
13 years ago at 6:57 pmIndeed haha
13 years ago at 8:10 pm