FAIL FRIDAY: Spring Break Edition

Ten real submissions, fifteen photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Was tossing a Natty to my bro through the crowd on the beach and nailed this chick in the head. She was out cold so I grabbed our frat flag and bailed. TFM.

I hope you impale yourself with that flag.

Getting twisted on PCP in PCB and being arrested for running wind sprints on the beach naked. TFM.

I didn’t know you like to get wet.

Being born with a penis but the doctors thought it was a tumor due to its size and removed it. TFTC.
–New Jersey

How do you even come up with this?

I’m spitting game at Bama Tri Delts in Gulf Shores. Asking these honeys if they want to go halfsies on a bastard child. TFM.

Did you just say halfsies?

Four girls in our hotel are arguing over who gets to blow me. I tell them it’s not a problem. One for my dick, two for my testies and one for my taint. TFM.
–South Carolina

Effective allocation of resources. TFM.

Spending my Spring Break in the 5th Ward building homes with Habitat For Humanity. How was blacking out and unprotected sex, sinner? RFM.

The “Real Fraternity Move” never gets old.

Day on the lake with 3 bros and a 48 pack of Mike’s Hard. You do the math. TFM.
–North Dakota

My math tells me this ends in a homosexual threesome (EDIT: foursome), and I checked it twice.

Refusing to use the restroom in your room because you clogged the toilet with a massive mexi-dump and only pissing in the all-inclusive pool. TFM.

This warrants another sarcastic slow clap.

BeATinG ThE shIT Out OF mY LiTtLE brOthEr BeCAusE hE’s A FuCKIng GDi. TFM.

This was submitted by someone who attends “Ball So Hard University.”

Getting dome outside of Senor Frogs from a 180 lb. stripper while you wait for her cousin to bring your cocaine order. TFM.

YOLO SB2012.

It was only a matter of time before someone got drunk and did this.

Someone better five-star the fuck out of this kid’s back.

Is that chick in the background touching herself and crying?.

This makes PCB look FaF.

Spending Spring Break delivering Jimmy John’s. RFM.

This is totally staged. NF.

Why was one dickhead like “I’m going with a thigh tattoo!”

Spring Break Paris 2012!

The most homoerotic beer bong of all time.

Oh good, someone remembered to bring the rape punch.

“Aw crap, I forgot to call the girls!”

Spring Break Vogue.

Kappa Slappa Ho had one clean shaven testie hanging out.

It must be bed time.

You’re supposed to use the fucking outdoor shower before you come in from the beach, jackass.

Frat Brown has been drinking Fratty Light since the age of 7, and he will ruin your weekend:

Double chaser of two Columbian twins:

  1. FratcastleChef

    ITS LIKE A FUCKING SCRAPBOOK IN HERE! Jesus christ why don’t you remove your tampon and slap a few pictures of your kitten in here?!

    13 years ago at 3:17 pm
    1. Kegs and Eluts

      he’s protecting his virginity real well with those shades and lax stick…

      13 years ago at 3:26 pm
    1. AndrewJacksonFaF

      Pledge asses are red
      Cupid’s balls are blue
      Hashtags are fucking dumb
      Put on your running shoes.

      13 years ago at 3:53 pm
    2. Frat Weekly

      What’s so wrong with Jews Cupid? Why are you even allowed on here, you’re a GDI drop-out

      13 years ago at 7:30 pm
    3. Teignmouth_Electron

      IFC giving TKE a spot back on campus. NF… to haze their pledges. FaF.

      13 years ago at 4:39 am
    4. FratfricanAmerican

      1844_The_Win you’re close, I’m actually the only other black jew ever known to mankind, Antoine Frank.

      13 years ago at 8:55 am
  2. paternalist

    That kid goes to my school…and lives in my building. I can, in fact, confirm that he is as big of a tool as this video makes him out to be.

    In summary: FUCK THAT KID.

    13 years ago at 3:20 pm