FAIL FRIDAY: Spring Break Yourself

Below are the best of the worst photos, videos and TFMs sent in by our readers this week. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame.

Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to

I’ll tell you one thing, I’m going to be eating a whole mess of ass this spring break and nobody can stop me. TFM.

Just make sure you wear goggles.

“If you can get it up, I’ll give you anal,” she said. I responded by snorting Viagra. TFM.

That’s probably not great for your heart.

Friends call me “Candy Cane” because my dingus is shaped exactly like one. TFM.

Got yourself a fucked up dingus, do ya?

Consider anyone who hasn’t had an STD to be a virgin. TFM.

An interesting definition adjustment.

One, two, tie my boat shoes. Three, four, banging fat chicks on the floor. TFM.

Big girls need love too and everybody knows that.

Walking into class on the first day, finding the hottest chick in the room, pointing at her and saying, “I will eat your ass before this semester ends.” TFM.

It takes a bold man to make such a bold proclamation with an audience.

God damn pledges always refusing to kiss me on the mouth. TFM.

Sounds like you gave out bids to the wrong type of guys IMO.

Having some much fuck that the only way you can get it up is through milking of the prostate gland. TFM.

That’s a pretty normal condition after have too much fuck I think.

Getting arrested for public intoxication and then masturbating in the bathroom of the drunk tank. TFM.

There’s nothing else to do in there. Might as well crank down.

Refusing to bathe the entirety of spring break because you steadfastly believe that your man stench attracts members of the opposite sex. TFM.

You know what? I think you’re right. Stick with that strategy.

This looks like a fucking blast.
This looks like a fucking blast.
Well, alright then.
Well, alright then.
Your nudity disgusts me.
Your nudity disgusts me.
Big and little sex appeal off the charts.
Big and little sex appeal off the charts.
The fuck is this?
The fuck is this?
Peep her shirt though.
Peep her shirt though.
That is going to leave a mark.
That is going to leave a mark.
You alright, chief?
You alright, chief?
I dont know and I dont want to know.
I don’t know and I don’t want to know.
Hey guys Im going to let you in on a little secret youre doing too much.
Hey guys I’m going to let you in on a little secret you’re doing too much.
Lets all give a huge congratulations to Jacob.
Let’s all give a huge congratulations to Jacob.
Why in the sweet name of fuck?
Why in the sweet name of fuck?
Just enjoying the outdoors together.
Just enjoying the outdoors together.
You guys shouldve taken a hard pass on that one.
You guys should’ve taken a hard pass on that one.
Gotta sleep somewhere, I suppose.
Gotta sleep somewhere, I suppose.
Trevin gets all the pussy.
Trevin gets all the pussy.
Nah son nobody looked like that in the '80s your costume is trash.
Nah son nobody looked like that in the ’80s your costume is trash.
Crowd must've been chock full of goobers.
Crowd must’ve been chock full of goobers.

He was king of the world for a few seconds before it all fell apart.

A post shared by 🏖TFM SPRING BREAK CONTEST '17🏝 (@tfmspringbreak) on

Brian just wanted to party.

A post shared by 🏖TFM SPRING BREAK CONTEST '17🏝 (@tfmspringbreak) on

That was below the belt. Try to keep the gloves up.

A post shared by 🏖TFM SPRING BREAK CONTEST '17🏝 (@tfmspringbreak) on

Soooooooo… dead?

A post shared by TFM (@totalfratmove) on


Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to

    1. smithpm

      Perhaps politely asking “Can I raw dog your shit chute” was taken out of context.

      8 years ago at 8:46 am
    2. Abe_Froman

      It is a double standard though. she calmly returns to dancing a few feet away after assaulting someone. No way a male gets away with punching a female in public no matter what she said.

      8 years ago at 4:54 pm
  1. BuschLattesFTW

    Using a few of thevaginators lines in his favorite segment TconspiracyM

    8 years ago at 9:26 am
  2. MexicanFratDude

    So is it a good or bad thing that my brothers and I have made it on Fail Friday multiple times in the past week? I’d say it’s my greatest accomplishment since my D5 baseball runner-up trophy.

    8 years ago at 10:06 am
    1. TheOriginalDadBod

      I’d say bad but by the looks of it, you try hards probably think it’s good you got on TFM

      8 years ago at 10:34 am
  3. RonSwansonsLeftNut

    The Happy Gilmore guy sliced that ball so hard it was almost impressive. RIP the camera guy

    8 years ago at 10:19 am
  4. SharkWeekTFM

    Googled “spring break jumping in shark tanks” to see if it was actually an trend. All the articles include links to the TFM Instagram video. Sharks coming into frat stories, frats coming into shark stories. It’s a beautiful thing.

    8 years ago at 10:45 am
      1. GirthBrooks

        It’s most likely a campus on the coast that has swim up tanks in each classroom. The glass then probably has A, B, C, and D buttons he presses with his nose when taking test.

        8 years ago at 5:35 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        I don’t know HOW they did it. I’m not a SHARKtitect!
        Feel free to put that on Facebook.

        8 years ago at 7:36 pm
  5. AnnFranksUselessDrumset

    Nothing more badass than buying a bunch of Yeti products to hide the fact you own an Arctic cooler.

    8 years ago at 12:46 pm
  6. thadcastle2

    Was hoping for more retarded “spring break ’17” tattoos but I guess I’ll have to wait until next week

    8 years ago at 2:50 pm
  7. wearbowsdrinkwhiskey

    What did Brian to unwillingly be aggressively carried mid-air by 5 Mexicans?! And what happened to him after that?

    8 years ago at 9:54 pm
  8. thevaginator

    I’d beat the living shit out of every one of those goobers in the pool photo

    8 years ago at 5:30 pm