FAIL FRIDAY: The Future is Dim
Ten real submissions, four photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Not dealing with my impending mental health issues. That’s what scotch and Ativan are for. TFM.
You need a visit from the ghost of Christmas future.
Climbed up a tree to shit on a birds nest because it shit on my frathoe. TFM.
Fighting shit with shit. FaF.
The fratcastle beat-off sock is named Crusty Wallace. TFM.
A good name for a community cum sock, I suppose.
The only thing thats funnier than watching pledges run around with condoms on their head is watching them throw up after when they realize we all used them last night. TFM.
This would be a pretty embarrassing reason to get kicked off campus.
Super Mario eating mushrooms, riding dinosaurs, stomping on turtles, hazing his brother out of the spotlight, and gaining any power he wants. TFM. Doing all this to slam Princess Peach at the end. TFTC.
-Mushroom Kingdom University
Being an immigrant plumber. NF.
Learn from my pledge brother, don’t trust a fart after a night of heavy drinking. TShitHimselfM.
Total Shit Himself Move is my new favorite move.
An active needs to earn his full citizenship. Looks like a pledge will be joining a domestic partnership. TFM.
West Coast frat.
It’s not hazing if I tase myself while holding hands with the pledges. TFM.
You’re enjoying that a little too much.
Watching iPhone porn on my 15 minute breaks at Chili’s. TFM.
-Chili’s Grill & Bar
Pitching a tent before serving queso to customers. TFM.
I pissed the bed the first 14 years of my life because I had a bladder problem…I’ve pissed the bed the last 6 years of my life because I have a drinking problem #WINNING – FrattyBoySwaggin – TFM.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
“Now I’ve always got my letters!”
So much NF here it’s hard to absorb it all.
Apparently this is called “The Butt Chug.”
They don’t even surprise me anymore…
The X Games were this week, and someone thought women should participate. It turns out this was the greatest idea ever:
Excellent Fail Friday, you can easily guess which post was mine
14 years ago at 1:05 pmHow is Crusty Wallace holding up these days?
14 years ago at 1:30 pm^Hahaha
14 years ago at 1:35 pmNot a bad guess but I wrote Super Mario. In Mushroom Kingdom University Mario is the top Frat Daddy
14 years ago at 1:40 pm
14 years ago at 2:06 pmChilis Guy we finally meet, let’s continue to make every fail friday together and become infamous for it
14 years ago at 2:50 pmLets hope this intern actually likes me and will put me on the wall. The summer one hated me, probably because his baby back ribs got cold.
14 years ago at 3:07 pmChilis guy, make one about tipping, and how only gdis don’t tip, it should get on the wall.
14 years ago at 10:30 pmThat video is probably one of the funniest things ive ever seen haha… shit should be aired on espn8 the ocho, the commentators actually seem excited and into the event haha
14 years ago at 1:38 pm^^ this. ESPN 8 the ocho.
14 years ago at 3:06 pmThe PIKE picture really ain’t too bad. Minus the cargos and that retarded Dick Target goatee.
Must have been a slow week for FF pictures.
14 years ago at 1:52 pmAs much as I appreciate making fun of every jackass who takes a stupid picture, philanthropy stuff should be respected not ridiculed.
14 years ago at 2:11 pmWTF, Mario is FAF.
14 years ago at 2:12 pmMario is a GDI plumber. Donkey Kong is FaF, he wears a tie, hazes the Florida gators, and is a NRA member with his coconut gun.
14 years ago at 3:14 pm
14 years ago at 3:29 pm^ This Guy. Fratness Monster Donkey Kong is nevertheless FAF but the majority rules that Mario is TFTC
14 years ago at 7:51 pmJust want to throw it out there that the Sig Ep picture is not Sig Ep at KU. Some tool is just wearing a KU jersey.
14 years ago at 2:19 pmits illinois state, they dont have any real sports teams so they have to like others schools
14 years ago at 2:47 pmI was about to make that clear! KU Sig Ep is wayyy better than this… Plus it’s the wrong address!
14 years ago at 2:59 pmTwo Things:
1. I guess some fraternities in the South have incest.
2. Is it me or does everyone in the state of Florida get tazed?
14 years ago at 2:29 pmWell since murder is “frowned upon”, tazing is the best option.
14 years ago at 4:02 pm^99 problems, but a kid ain’t one?
14 years ago at 8:20 amThat young lady in the video made some contact with the TFMintern’s lumber and that’s how she made it on the site.
14 years ago at 2:48 pmFYI the dude’s in the pic with the Deephers hoodies on are SigEp’s…idk if this has been covered.
14 years ago at 3:21 pmonce again, one SigEp, two TKEs
14 years ago at 9:51 pmThe old fashioned Phi Gam Butt Slam with a beer twist?
14 years ago at 3:29 pmPurple and Gold isn’t Phi Gamm, shit stain.
14 years ago at 3:46 pmThat is Chi Psi Omega
14 years ago at 2:39 amI meant *Chi Psi. My apologies. Going back to my kitchen now.
14 years ago at 2:41 am