FAIL FRIDAY: The Thirteenth
Ten real submissions, ten photos, and three videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.
Whilst peeing on my slam in the shower, she grabbed and redirected my penis causing me to literally pee in my own butt. TFM.
-New York
That’s obviously true love, and I don’t see why you’re complaining.
Bow tie on, sorority girls coming over, I drive a Range Rover, I get bitches like McCoy. TFM.
You’re not even worthy of a punch in the face. I would open-hand slap the shit out of you.
Yeah, I go to the gym. But not to take mirror pics with my shirt off, curl 45’s the entire time, or tweet shit like “hardbody” or “swole.” I work out so I can defend myself and be better at fucking. TFM.
How many boner curls can you do?
Raging so hard that my dingleberries molt together to form one giant dingleball between my ass cheeks. TFM.
That truly is a whole new level of rage.
“Well, you’ve seen my pussy so I guess I should tell you my name.” Nah. TFM.
That is a quote from my dream girl.
Anal Pledge has to have his entire room organized and can only stick it in girls’ asses all semester. TFM.
How exactly do you monitor this? “Wrong hole, pledge! You know the rules!”
Only going Facebook official with girls who have eating disorders. TFM.
This guy has his priorities straight.
Using my morning wood to open up the fridge. TFM.
That’s what it’s for…
When we swordfight, I call my penis “Bacon,” and my buddy calls his penis “Dorn.” Man, those two cannot stop bumping heads. TFM.
I’m sure Bacon and Dorn will be delighted to hear this.
Leaving dead cats on the lawn of the srat castle to let them know that you slay puss. TFM.
Nothing says “I get ass” like murdering innocent felines and placing them on the doorstep of a sorority house.
Flipped golf car + flat bill + popped collar + untucked shirt + plastic wayfarers + facial expression + multiple friends taking pics = Fail Friday
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Unless it’s two guys sharing a bathtub while another sits in the shower.
These two fucking goobers gave me a good laugh.
John Kerry at the Nantucket Yacht Club, seemingly unable to find a pocket for his Blackberry.
Summer at the shore house. TFM.
That’s a man’s hand reaching out and exposing that hairy ass frat tat.
The homeless meth head in the back is hilarious.
Fuck sheets, I sleep on my own chunks.
Incredible GDI rant:
Watch his video response HERE.
The shame of Kent State University:
I’m going to keep posting these until they stop:
It’s still July, and this chaser is still hot:
15 minutes of some British chick doing various activities in a sexual manner:
If you missed last week’s Fail Friday, CLICK HERE.
The gym post is not that big of fail in my opinion.
13 years ago at 11:58 amIf he’d left out the part about fucking better, then yeah, it might have been decent.
13 years ago at 12:32 pmExactly!
13 years ago at 1:17 pmKent State is in Ohio just south of Cleveland, not a bad place but it could be better. TKE is just an embarssment across the nation it seems like.
13 years ago at 12:13 pmYeah, cause the Tekes created that… idiot. Kappa sig was in it too, what about them?
13 years ago at 1:41 pmKent State kappa sigs made fail Friday just a few weeks back.
13 years ago at 2:09 pmWe are NOT! We are the most prestigious fraternity in the nation with the LARGEST average chapter size.
13 years ago at 1:09 am^ here have a cookie and a s*** I dont give.
13 years ago at 2:37 am^Quality over quantity…. TKE’s are terrible.
13 years ago at 9:23 am^ Do you ever talk about anything besides how terrible TKE is? That’s all I ever see you say, after I see your lame ass generic name. Get a job you broke liberal POS, and worry about your own fraternity
13 years ago at 1:17 pmThese pussies don’t have nothing better to do than bitch about TKE. I agree that we do have a few embarrassing chapters, but what fraternity doesn’t?
13 years ago at 5:42 pmWhat’s a girl doing in Delta Sigma Phi?
13 years ago at 12:25 pmlap time…go ahead
13 years ago at 8:53 pmOh what up bama^
13 years ago at 9:31 pm^^I was referring to the long haired geed in the Delta video. Take a lap for your incompetence.
13 years ago at 10:10 pmBoner curls? Not cock pushups?
13 years ago at 12:31 pmI said the same thing man.
13 years ago at 12:25 amI can sure do some boner curls now after watching that British girl’s video. Totally worth my damn shit break.
13 years ago at 12:56 pmWhat species is that, GDI?
13 years ago at 1:05 pmEIGHT! EIGHT BONER CURLS! AH AH AH AH AH.
13 years ago at 1:09 pmI think the morning wood one was pretty good. Should’ve been published. Way to go, Intern.
13 years ago at 1:20 pmI wish I had a neighbor like that Mega Death junkie, just to remind me every morning why it is that I do what I do. That kid is awesome.
13 years ago at 1:21 pmPure Michigan
13 years ago at 1:37 pmThis guy thinks he’s funny quoting Tim allen
13 years ago at 7:50 pm