FAIL FRIDAY: The Turn Up Isn’t Real

Ten real submissions, 20 photos, and two videos that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Making out with a girl and getting sick from it, yet not regretting it at all. TFM.

Look at this guy, living life in the fast lane. Even James Bond thinks he’s out of control.

Advice for soon to be college freshman? So I’m a soon to be college freshman at University of San Diego. In high school I wasn’t a party animal, but it seems like USD is kinda a party school. Any advice about freshman year in respect to parties and the like?

Kindly give this turd advice in the comments section.

Occasionally I like to have sex with this geed’s grandmother. You could say I “ghost ride the hip.” TFM.

Old people need love too.

Upgrading your side chick to your main only because you found out she works at Polo. TFM.

Damn bruh you’re gonna be flossing so hard in all that Polo swag.

Tea-bagging your bro’s mouth at the gym when he passes out from dead-lifting too much weight to remind him that it’s STILL HIS MOTHAFUCKIN’ SET, BITCH. TFM.

Total Tuco Salamanca Move.

Tucking in your shirt for any and all occasions, no matter how casual. TFM.

Tuck it right into your whitey tighties, you fucking nerd.

Cookouts with the bros, bad bitches in bikinis, Ja Rule on the speakers. TFM.

If you can’t turn up to “What’s Luv?” then you can’t turn up at all.

That moment when you are about to take a bite out of food and you notice your hands smell like vagina. TFM.

Wash your hands, you disgusting son of a bitch.

This nigga Harry Potter whoopin’ this nigga Voldemort’s ass. TFM. #PotterheadWeekend #HermoineButtPee

I’m sorry, what?

Ron’s no soul havin’ ginger ass peeing in Hermoine’s nice hole havin’ tinder ass. TFM. #WingardiumLeviOhStopPeeingInMyButtRon

We have officially reached a new level of weird.

"Wanna shoot my BB gun with me?" *farts, burps*
“Wanna shoot my BB gun with me?” *farts, burps*
Making brotherhood super cute. TFM.
Making brotherhood super cute. TFM.
Just shave it all off, man. That is terrible.
Just shave it all off, man. That is terrible.
The most terrifying fratstache ever.
The most terrifying fratstache ever.
Matching miniature frat hounds. TFM.
Matching miniature frat hounds. TFM.
This guy is the Monet of pants-pissing.
This guy is the Monet of pants-pissing.
The turn up is real.
How did it come to this?.
Drugs, bitches money. TFM.
Drugs, bitches & money. TFM.
"Richard, hold me! Don't run away from your feelings!"
“Richard, hold me! Don’t run away from your feelings!”
Getting your letters custom made with a pattern of your own face on them. TFM.
Getting your letters custom made with a pattern of your own head on them. TFM.
Aggressively and totally inappropriately dry humping a passed out stranger in a similar weight class as your fat self on the beach. TFM.
Aggressively and totally inappropriately dry humping a passed out stranger in a similar weight class as your fat self on the beach. TFM.
No idea. I literally have no fucking idea what's happening here.
No idea. I literally have no fucking idea what’s happening here.
Unbelievably bad ratios. TFM.
Unbelievably bad ratios. TFM.
Not a clue. Are they dressed as bamboo? Coo coo cachoo.
Not a clue. Are they dressed as bamboo? Coo coo cachoo.
Pikachu tram stamp. TFM.
Pikachu tramp stamp. TFM.
Condom selfie. TFM.
Condom selfie. TFM.
This kid's life is totally out of control.
This kid’s life is totally out of control.
At least he's got toilet paper.
At least he’s got toilet paper.
Looks like formal went well.
Looks like formal went well.

The Tuggie! (Infomercial Parody)

Guy Inspired By Wiz Khalifa To Smoke Halloween Decoration


  1. cfoster

    When it comes to posting Fail Friday, The Intern is slower than Dorn in a 2nd grade math class

    10 years ago at 12:55 pm
    1. HouseChef_TFM

      How old are you? Dorn hasn’t been aloud in a 2nd grade math class since ’98.

      10 years ago at 12:58 pm
  2. CommodoreVU

    A little earlier than you have been posting recently, but we still hope you die of AIDs Intern.

    10 years ago at 12:56 pm
    1. God.BlessTexas

      Kid’s got an arm

      His Pre-K list of heroes include: Johnny Manziel, Jordan Belfort, and Dan Bilzerian

      10 years ago at 10:12 pm
  3. Lake Superior

    Seriously, intern? You get the coding wrong AND can’t even finish spelling tramp stamp? I’m fucking disappointed.

    10 years ago at 12:58 pm
  4. Bro Vs Wade

    I know you spelled tramp stamp wrong, glad you edited it to cover your own ass.

    10 years ago at 1:00 pm
  5. 420hazeit

    Fuck you intern. Why do you make me have to postpone my afternoon chicken choking session for this pile of shit? Sit on a jackhammer butt burglar

    10 years ago at 1:02 pm
      1. Teddy Fucking Roosevelt

        It is America. Where we have the freedom to tell you to take as many laps as we damn well please.

        10 years ago at 2:53 pm
      2. Fratty Couples PGA

        NOBODY could ever be a better president than Teddy fuckin Roosevelt. Teddy fuckin Roosevelt knocks it outa the fuckin park! So you better watch your mouth you little haze-happy pothead fuck and if I ever hear any of this liberal Obama-loving trash again you’ll be blackballed so fast you can’t apply for unemployment.

        10 years ago at 7:19 pm
      3. Reagan__Bush_84

        Just throwing out the Reagan Bush combo of 84′ as a better president than Roosevelt and I don’t really think FrattyCouples has that authority to blackball, but whatever helps you get through the fact that you are probably unemployed

        10 years ago at 9:47 pm
      4. NorthernATO

        Crawl into that hole you came from and never speak again, you commie bastard.

        10 years ago at 4:07 am