FAIL FRIDAY: Tickets to the Gun Show are Sold Out

Ten real submissions, four photos and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Some GDI actually said he had a gun in his car last night, so I flexed my bicep saying I have natural guns ass hole. TFM.

I wish he would’ve shot you.

Woke up one morning when i was a pledge on my big brothers couch. He was yelling apparently a scorpion crawled in his pants when he put them on it bit him on the DICK!!!. He is forever know as the scorpion king. That night went he to the bar and brought a slampiece home. FAF.

Scorpions don’t bite, they sting with their tail.

Naming my son Brody only so I can call him Bro. TFM.

Cool story Bro and Bro Jr.

My frat bro is a waiter at Colton’s and he hooked me up with a free steak. Having friends in high places. TFM.

Sounds like you’re really well connected.

Walking through campus during Freshmen welcome week with a shirt saying “Thousands of my potential children will die on your daughter’s face tonight”. TFM.

If I saw you wearing that shirt I would kick your ass.

My dad rapes the help all the time. When he’s done he tells them that if they tell anyone he’ll report them and get them deported. TFM.

I’m legally obligated to report this.

Some GDI asked if I was on a sports team, and i told them yeah. Team blackout. TFM.

Literally any other answer would’ve been less gay.

Slamming your step sister because she is not blood related. TFM.

Maybe y’all can double date with your parents.

Slam passed out during drunk sex, you bet I still finished! TFM.

Sounds like you really rocked her world.

Killing a handle of Rebel Yell and going home with a slampiece only to find that you can’t get hard. Then saying the only reason you can’t get up is because you weren’t finished raging with your bros that night and then going back out. TFTC (Too Flaccid To Care).

Go get hard with your bros and try again.

Frat Life tat that even West Coast Jimmy wouldn’t approve of.

Fedora, cargos, and a bottom tier pose. FaF.

The balanced men know how to balance their brothers.

Grizzly’s biggest fan.

Cornell really gets down on something called “Slope Day?”

    1. Fratent Pending

      Most of those posts were obvious jokes. I laughed, the shitty ones are the ones that denote cock size by driveway size.

      13 years ago at 12:06 pm
  1. Ernest hemingbro

    I wish we could read what the Grizzly tattoo actually says, because it looks like it it mentioning something about killing Abe Lincoln. That could totally make up for that stupid thing.

    13 years ago at 12:03 pm
    1. Taaka

      So what it’s saying is that the massive lip Booth packed before calling a special-vote on Lincoln gave him the cahoonas to get it done?

      13 years ago at 1:04 pm
    2. Godandgunsaregood

      If that weren’t a tattoo, that would actually be pretty damn funny. And I think what it means is that, somehow, smokeless tobacco itself actually and literally shot Lincoln.

      13 years ago at 4:14 pm
    1. rose_and_white

      Whatevs. Sorry I’m not sorry that I beat you to calling Pike “gay” this week.

      And besides, if I kill myself, who will clean up the mess it makes in the kitchen?

      13 years ago at 2:37 pm
    2. thefrattestofthemall

      whoa there gentleman, take it easy. the woman was just adding her 2-cents on the extreme “bros”. leave her be. at that note, may i have a sandwich pwease?

      13 years ago at 3:28 pm
    3. the nelson

      Rose and white you sound like a 15 year old idiot. And frattest fuck you, noone gets away with saying pwease on here. Fuck.

      13 years ago at 3:49 pm
    4. thefrattestofthemall

      nelson, gotta ask like a gent even if they’re a slam. fuck off and beat it to your pike bros in the hot tub. looks like they could fit one more. fuck.

      13 years ago at 6:10 pm
    5. rose_and_white

      Well there is something to be said about a gentleman who is kind to strangers; Thank you for defending me, Frattest. Will that be white or wheat?

      13 years ago at 8:04 pm
    6. Federalist

      thefrattestofthemall pwwwwwease never comment on anything ever again. reading your ‘Internet’
      flirting’ was more painful then looking at those gay pictures.

      13 years ago at 11:01 am
    7. Smathers and Branson

      “the frattest of the mall”, go back to hanging out at your local abercrombie. Fucking mallrat

      13 years ago at 11:34 am
    8. thefrattestofthemall

      your welcome darling. raised in texas, come down south. and to the rest of the haters. pwease get a fuckin life. if your gonna bust a blood vessel over something over the internet, then get off the fuckin computer. try going out and having a beer with your friends or brothers if you even have any. done with these jokes

      13 years ago at 1:52 pm
    9. 0leMissFratStar

      “oh yeah must be the weekly pike picture” get a life you fuck faggot, you all go to gay ass fucking schools with no greek life so shut the fuck up. you all are clearly tke’s, sigma nus, or fucking betas…find the closest intersection and walk directly into oncoming traffic.

      13 years ago at 12:29 am
  2. snuggles

    My frat bro is a waiter at Colton’s and he hooked me up with a free steak. Having friends in high places. TFM.

    Sounds like you’re really well connected.

    I’d Say he’s Medium Well connected

    13 years ago at 12:05 pm
    1. The_Chilis_Guy

      No, I don’t. I’ve been busy transferring to another location. They closed mine for a better location.

      13 years ago at 3:49 pm
    1. FratLappingUSA

      the only thing that would make the video good is if The “Nard Dog” was in it

      13 years ago at 5:22 pm
    2. brad s

      Frattasigmabro – learn how to spell and learn how to understand sarcasm “bro.”

      13 years ago at 7:01 pm
    1. Brahcision maker

      dont make fun of these guys. its just how they had to prove they were truly sigep material and belonged in the sorority.

      13 years ago at 2:33 pm