FAIL FRIDAY: Time After Time

Ten real submissions, 20 photos, and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

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Lining up pledges by dick size. TFM.

But why? For what purpose?

Ordering milk at Hooters then staring at the server’s chest. TFM.

This the definition of weird.

I’m so fratty, you already knooow! I’m in the frat lane, from LA to Tokyo! TFM.

Friggy Frazalea with the hot bars.

That one really good looking brother who rarely gets laid because he is just that much of an asshole. TFTC.

Oh man everybody knows that guy! Nice observation! Get the fuck out of here.

“S-E-C!” chants during the World Cup. TFM.

I would legitimately fight you if you did this in front of me.

All of you NF, GDI pussies creating an account and posting stupid shit on the wall can go kill yourselves. I’m TFTC. Fuck you all.

Woah there, little buddy. Relax.

The plumbers laying pipe in the upstairs bathroom, the downstairs bathroom, and mom’s bedroom. TFM.

Yep those are some fratty plumbers. Can’t believe this didn’t get posted on the wall.

Smuggling McDonald’s into the movie theater to protest the outrageous prices. TFM.

You’re a revolutionary.

TFM Intern sucked my dick…I’m a guy. TFM.

No I didn’t. Must’ve been some other guy. Classic case of mistaken identity. No biggie.

Feeding your parents’ chickens nothing but cocaine and chicken nuggets. TFTC.

Cannibalism and cocaine. TFM.

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Good lord, man. What did you drink?
Good lord, man. What did you drink?
Srat as shit.
Srat as shit.
Sleeping at the bar is one of the most pathetic things you can do.
Sleeping at the bar is one of the most pathetic things you can do.
Hahaha that facial expression.
Hahaha that facial expression.
Leave that fratty homeless bro alone.
Leave that fratty homeless bro alone.
Freedos (Frat Speedos) are apparently making a comeback.
Freedos (Frat Speedos) are apparently making a comeback.
Rock out with your frock out.
Rock out with your frock out.
Sleeping with farm animals. TFM.
Sleeping with farm animals. TFM.
Socks with boat shoes. NF.
Socks with boat shoes. NF.
Well, he looks happy.
Well, he looks happy.
They didn't have any clean cups.
They didn’t have any clean cups.
She's a biggun.
She’s a biggun.
Frunnies (Frat Bunnies) kinda freak me out.
Frunnies (Frat Bunnies) kinda freak me out.
You're better than this, guys.
You’re better than this, guys.
Is he about to sacrifice her?
Is he about to sacrifice her?
That's not where poo goes.
That’s not where poo goes.
Articles of clothing with sea animals on them. TFM.
Articles of clothing with sea animals on them. TFM.
Butt pee.
Butt pee.

Pledges Sing To Little Sisters


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      1. ThinkThereforeFRAT

        I believe he is referring to the photo of the gentlemen playing a game of cards.

        10 years ago at 5:12 pm
    1. You Pledges Suck

      I’m still FB friends with a high school classmate in Sigma Nu at Knox only to laugh at how pathetic they are

      10 years ago at 3:41 pm
      1. You Pledges Suck

        So making fun of stuff that’s posted publicly in an article is fine, but doing the exact same thing to people i knew personally is bad? Someone explain to me the difference.

        10 years ago at 10:37 am
    2. Shibby

      Use the Frorce (Frat Force) Bro-bi-won ke-bro-bi seek out Froda (Frat Yoda) in the degoBro system.

      10 years ago at 12:40 pm
  1. CharlieFuckinSheen

    Whoever associates fratty with iggy azalea deserves to be flayed alive by Freddy Kruger

    10 years ago at 3:30 pm
  2. JessePinkman88

    It’s summer. We could easily find someone who wants an internship that could do a better job than you. Like a retarded monkey for example.

    10 years ago at 3:34 pm