Fail Friday Videos Start Intense GDI YouTube Beef
I’m here to catch you all up on the embarrassing “GDI vs. Frat Life” internet saga that has been tearing through the internet.
Some background information is pertinent here. The July 13 edition of Fail Friday debuted a long-haired hippie who went off on a tangent detailing his grievances with fraternity and sorority members. In his near 11-minute video, the Undertakerfreak describes a night ruined, herds of people blocking the road, beer bottles being thrown onto the street, and outdoor urinal and fecal evacuation, all at the hands of “frat boys.” He then describes, in disgusting, unfunny depth, how he’d like to see these people reach their demise – all while using totally unnecessary, wildly complex vocabulary words. With his thesaurus at his side, this unkempt freak made the following video:
For some reason that I’m still trying to make heads or tails of, this angered some Hollister-wearing, tip-frosted kid that goes by RobThePanda (catchy name, right?). In his video entitled, “Frat Life is the Only Life,” he rebuts the Undertaker with 3rd grade logic and fraternity life hyperbole which he has accepted as reality. Here’s the kicker, though: the whole time RobThePanda is describing himself, as he would later reveal that he is not actually a fraternity member: “I love the frat life. Frat life’s amazing. I’m not actually in a fraternity yet because I just started school, so I am actually just rushing right now. Well, I can tell you right now I’m joining a frat. I just don’t know which one yet.” Good luck getting a bid now, RTP.
Then of course the Undertaker had to fire back at the Panda, and he did with a video that left me scratching my head. The needle on the self-respect meter has broken off at this point. Give the webcam a breather, guys. Your next correspondence should occur in person, in a ring, on a canvas surface, with or without boxing gloves.
This thing is like a gruesome car wreck. I’m uneasy and repulsed by what I’m seeing, yet I can’t look away.
This is the equivalent of an Internet pilgrim fight. No bid…
13 years ago at 12:19 amOf course Ginger Geed would respond to the GDI backing fraternities. It’s the only way this lifetime achievement award of failure can get his precious little YouTube views.
13 years ago at 7:39 amJames Holmes is on YouTube!
13 years ago at 8:42 am
A response to the saga that is even worse than any of the above videos.
13 years ago at 9:07 amDid ginger geed cut his hair?
13 years ago at 9:19 amEvery time this idiot speaks he must think he’s “cutting a promo” for actual wrestling. He might think he’s a real professional wrestler. He might not understand the difference between his fantasy and reality. You know who else didn’t know how to separate fantasy from reality? JAMES HOLMES. Instead of shooting a movie theater, he’s going to try to chokeslam everyone in letters.
13 years ago at 10:22 am
13 years ago at 10:50 amcouldnt get through the first video his voice was too annoying
13 years ago at 11:35 amno chaser?! my eyes are burning
13 years ago at 11:37 amHe’s bullshitting. Those girls put him in his place and he went back in his room and masturbated, using his tears as lubricant. Typical geed.
13 years ago at 1:52 pm