FAIL FRIDAY: Weeping For The Future
Yeah, that’s right. I’m stepping up and making Fail Friday. Our interns are incompetent bums that can no longer be trusted to get this shit done properly and on time. It can’t be that hard, so here I am humbling myself to do the work that matters for the people. As always, below is the worst reader-submitted content of the week in the form of ten TFM’s, 20 photos, and three videos. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame.
Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to
Getting bare tit on a girl you just met at orientation! Including nipples too! TFM.
That’s huge. Congrats to you and yours.
Having intense facial trauma but still munching box. TFM.
The fuck does facial trauma entail? Like a busted eye socket?
Jason Street’s paralysis being a central reason I played high school football. TFM.
Friday Night Lights super fans are getting weird.
Pulling the pocket jerk in the strip club until a bouncer notices you and then cumming while you bail. TFM.
Next level sexual deviancy.
Having a recurring nightmare about making out with my pledge trainer. TFM.
Suppress those feelings deep down inside.
Grabbing your dog’s weiner to show him that’s your canine cock and you’re the bossman. TFM.
You’re one of those dudes who takes his relationship with his dog too far.
Telling your kids bedtime stories about shotgunning beers and making sex with slams. TFM.
Those kids are going to need some expensive therapy.
Getting inside a pledge’s head by eating a live squirrel right in front of him. TFM.
Might want to go get a rabies shot.
Taking one for the team by getting with the fat chick but getting fully dedicated to it and eating her ass. TFM.
Really, truly unnecessary.
Having a sideways boner so you have a super unique fuck action. TFM.
Probably not something to broadcast to the world, but what do I know.

Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Email it to
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TFM’s New Year’s resolution must have included posting Fail Friday on time. Let’s not get our hopes up. This resolution will last as long as Dan Regester’s resolutions usually last.
8 years ago at 2:10 amI expected more from you Ross
8 years ago at 2:19 amGood fuck there’s 16 burns on that jackass’s arm
8 years ago at 2:24 amNot the best Fail Friday I’ve ever read, but I’ll take a hit to quality if it means we finally get some damn consistency.
8 years ago at 2:26 amQuality I can’t promise. Consistency I can guarantee.
8 years ago at 11:15 amis that what you tell all the men?
8 years ago at 11:42 amAnd that alone makes you better than 90% of the rest of Grandex.
8 years ago at 9:17 amThe cigarette burns looks like a scene out of The Matrix
8 years ago at 3:10 amSay what you want, the heelys kid pulls
8 years ago at 6:29 amYou’re doing the lords work. May you be blessed with 73 virgos or whatever
8 years ago at 8:48 amI don’t know man, I’d rather chick’s than a star constellation
8 years ago at 11:40 am“Taking one for the team by getting with the fat chick but getting fully dedicated to it and eating her ass. TFM.”
Boosh actually did this once.
8 years ago at 9:30 amHeely vape kid is straight killin it
8 years ago at 10:05 amI hate cale west almost as much as Wally
8 years ago at 11:37 am