Fantasy Football Auto Drafters, You Suck
I play in an extremely serious and expensive, depending on perspective, series of fantasy football leagues. One league, however, is my personal favorite, a commitment that goes beyond the monetary goals of a perpetually indebted gambling addict. This is the league I’m the manager of, a responsibility I took on as a senior in high school that will now be entering its sixth NFL season of existence. It’s a way now, as sort of adults, for old friends to keep in touch, rivalries to continue, and youth to be prolonged. This is the league I most enjoy winning, the offseason pompousness and last place humiliation (winner gets to pick punishment) more than eclipsing the moderate financial windfall.
But this year, just last night, a new and formerly unknown poison entered our fantasy utopia: the conscious auto drafter. No he did not get too hammered and pass out during a pre-draft strategy session, he was not imprisoned, deported, or in some sort of unavoidable coma, all of which would still only partially excuse the idiocy and lack of sportsmanship that is allowing a computer to select your team. He instead actually chose to select auto draft, watching as the draft passed helplessly like a fucking cuckold porn.
This, amazingly, was his “strategy,” since he’s “been busy and doesn’t know shit.” For any of you thinking of emulating this human sized douche, let me in the strongest terms tell you: Don’t. There is absolutely no upside to auto drafting. If you win, clearly you had nothing to do with the success of your team and will be given the literal opposite of credit. It is likely you will be excommunicated from the league, and in their frustration, a disgruntled league member might Tanya Harding you. And with good reason. If you lose, you’ve wasted your money and what has likely been an irresponsible amount of time on something you never really gave yourself a chance to succeed with, again you’ll probably be “forgotten” when the league invite goes out next year, and nobody would really object to the breaking of your extremities.
The entire point of fantasy football is your individual perspective vs. that of your competitors, and hopefully closest friends. It’s a way to build and maintain camaraderie with those that life has separated you from, with college and careers splintering friendships from coast to coast. It’s your irrational belief that Trent Richardson will make a comeback to his Trent 3.0 status, Blake Bortles will become the best quarterback in the league (hi Dan), RGIII is rising like the Phoenix, and the Raiders have the best offense in football that makes this the community and experience that it should be.
If you don’t have enough confidence in yourself to select your own players from what is, admittedly, a largely luck based game in which injuries in the world’s most dangerous major sport dominate the outcome, you have no business playing. You’re that guy who only tries to fuck girls your friends like, loves the Warriors, Alabama, and the Patriots because they’re the safest bets to win, wears Sperrys in the gym and speaks with text abbreviations. You’re a pussy, and should “lol” your way out of my fucking league, and everyone else’s.
Don’t be a fucking auto drafter; have some self-respect..
No auction draft, no thanks
9 years ago at 11:48 amWhat’s with the Gryffindor headshot Dorn?
9 years ago at 11:50 amI don’t know who that is
9 years ago at 11:56 amAs if anyone gave a shit about your non-verified opinion.
9 years ago at 11:58 amI’ll gut you like a fish
9 years ago at 12:10 pmHow do we even know that’s you? I don’t see a blue check mark, you could be an imposter
9 years ago at 12:28 pmAm I the only person that much prefers the snake draft format?
9 years ago at 11:59 amGet rid of the wall
9 years ago at 12:18 pmKeep fighting the good fight
9 years ago at 12:27 pmSnakes a lot better
9 years ago at 1:44 pmSiblings, the snake draft has come and gone. Auctions are where it is at nowadays.
Auctions facilitate actual research, being able to make your team based off a salary and market values, getting “steals” etc. Snake drafts, look across the leagues, the core of almost a majority of teams is the same damn people. Auctions make you make decisions: bid x for Newton, or maybe try and bid him up so the guy who wants him pays more etc.
Snake drafts require you you to pick one of 3-5 guys in that ADP range, then wait to make your decision on who to take next based on who is there. Auctions are a go get em: have a strategy and execute.
9 years ago at 2:41 pmI was totally against auctions until a few years ago when I got in my first one. I’ve done around 10 drafts now (5 years of baseball and 5 of football) and I like it even more. If you can actually execute your plan, it’s even better.
I like how I can get the guys I actually want. Snake drafts are checkers and auctions are chess.
9 years ago at 11:24 pmAbsolutely nothing worse than having gronk scooped up at 3rd overall by some guy’s uncle that is in the league to fill the 14th spot.
9 years ago at 12:16 pmLol 14
9 years ago at 3:15 pmBB Gun will be the next greatest quarterback the NFL has ever seen
9 years ago at 2:53 pmWe heard you the first time
9 years ago at 3:24 pmI can’t stand people that either don’t give a crap (despite paying, say 100$ to join the league) or just continually do dumb shit. One kid in my auction has left on average 20+ percent of his budget on the table his first two years. Then he’ll rip people like me for spending too much money on a multiple time rushing champ.
Try finishing somewhere other than last place before you rip people that know what the hell they are doing.
9 years ago at 11:19 pm