Fat-Shaming Isn’t Real
America is the fattest country in the world. Obviously, this is something to be proud of. We need to chomp down on greasy burgers and sip Coke until we piss an ocean of carbonated poison because that’s the American way. There’s nothing more American than excess.
That being said, there is a balance we need to find. A fine line we need to learn how to walk properly. Because yes, extreme obesity is the American way (God bless us), but we shouldn’t act like morbid obesity isn’t unhealthy and disgusting. Whenever I walk through Walmart (yes, I ball hard), I see a crowded cavalcade of giant fleshy blobs of regret, pushing shopping carts and breathing heavy like cross country runners because standing up for more 10 seconds is a workout for them.
But unfortunately, it’s 2017, and one term that a lot of internet SJW’s are throwing around is “fat-shaming.” I’d post the definition for it, but it’s pretty self explanatory. The idea of someone being shamed for being fat. It’s difficult to talk about our obesity problem head on because you’ll be accused of fat shaming.
Google those 2 little words and you’ll find plenty of wise and insightful articles, ones like “11 Offensive Phrases You Didn’t Realize Are Fat Shaming” or “What Is Fat Shaming? Are You A Shamer?” (Note: If you read that article and realize that you’re AREN’T a shamer, you need to step your game up.)
So let’s get one thing out of the way, fat shaming isn’t real. It’s fake. It doesn’t exist. It’s like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Kim K’s ass or a good post-2011 Lil Wayne song.
And I’ll be the first to admit that I love big women. I actually prefer them. Bash me all you want, but if you never click on the BBW category on porn sites you’re a clinical sociopath. Have fun choking your chicken to pictures of your own washboard abs you superficial psycho. BUT, at the same time, we need to stop acting like being big isn’t super unhealthy. Don’t embrace bigness too much, unless you wanna die at 41 of a heart attack in a Krispy Kreme parking lot.
If you see anyone on the internet whine about fat shaming, there’s 111 percent chance that they are bigger than your Aunt Linda’s minivan. Only fat people get pissed off about fat shaming. Kind of like how only homophobes get mad about gay people, or how only Kevin James watches the new Kevin James sitcom. Also, I’m not making fun of Kevin James because he’s fat, I’m making fun of Kevin James because he’s Kevin James.
So let’s stop acting like diabetes is empowering. Stop acting like every time you take your insulin you’re committing a poetic, graceful act that exemplifies what a beautiful butterfly you are. Other people with health problems don’t strut them with pride and pat themselves on the back for it.
When we talk about fat shaming, we’re telling obese people it’s okay to not take care of themselves.
So my point is this, next time you see someone overweight, shame the fuck out of them. Act like an amateur ripoff of the late great Don Rickles and roast them until they cry a river of tears that they can swim in and burn some calories. Fat shaming isn’t real. And even if it is, it’s a great hobby..
Hey guys, I’m back. Wally, go fuck yourself.
8 years ago at 2:39 pmYour profile avatar will forever haunt my dreams.
8 years ago at 3:22 pmLol at Augusta this past weekend, I was sitting with some Brits, and they were talking about buying clothes. One said he wore a large, but in the US, it was a medium bc we (Americans)were all so fat. He looked at me and said, “This guy isn’t fat. He gets it!”
8 years ago at 5:07 pmI told him to go fuck himself and walked off….
You spelled “sitting in my dorm watching CBS” wrong
8 years ago at 5:34 pmWally is the only one here who deserves to be shamed.
8 years ago at 5:25 pmHow is he still writing articles? You’d think the other writers have noticed how awful his stuff is by now
8 years ago at 6:47 pmTrue America is the fattest country in the world but we also are the most jacked country in the world. You think those liberal pussies any where else even lift, fuck no. Further proof we dominate the olympics and any sport that requires athleticism.
8 years ago at 8:00 amJesus Christ chief do way fucking less
8 years ago at 12:18 pmI’m the psychopath for not watching BBW??
8 years ago at 10:28 amWhy am I not suprised to learn that Wally reads SJW articles in his free time
8 years ago at 6:11 pm