Fatness Is The New Fitness
For the last few months, I’ve been watching my weight. Most notably, I’ve been watching it increase, jiggle, and add more folds to my stomach than Ben Folds did to his high school girlfriend (before all that “Brick” stuff, obviously).
Save for a few errant post-Chipotle dumps during which I dropped the load harder, faster, and with more conviction than a cargo plane caught in a downdraft, my weight has been steadily increasing ever since I gave up on my new year’s resolution of losing weight back in February. Luckily I hadn’t joined a gym or anything — as not following through on that resolution was another one of my resolutions — so I didn’t incur any monetary losses due to my lack of drive and love of Chick-fil-A (aside from those involved with both driving to Chick-fil-A and on the Chick-fil-A itself).
But back in April, I began realizing my weight was not sitting on its usual 185 plateau, at which it arrived during my sophomore year of college and had hovered around, but never surpassed, for the past three years. No — I was gaining weight, and fast. I started off “skinny fat,” quickly rolled through “overweight,” and in July, at my then (and current) weight of 195 pounds, landed on a descriptor that’s both used and caused by Taco Bell: “beefy.”
So there I sat (I find the act of “standing” lies just above the threshold of physical activity I’m willing to undergo as an individual experiencing beefiness (I also find the term “beefy” offensive)), wondering what my plan of action should be. Do I just sit around twiddling my chubby thumbs as my stomach inches closer and closer to causing a total eclipse of my dong? They say don’t use a telescope during an eclipse, which would be a problem since girls would need one to catch a glimpse of the impotent, unmitigated disaster that will be my obesity-ravaged undercarriage. Or do I hit the gym and get back to looking like a functional member of society? Back to looking like I give a damn about my appearance? Back to looking… normal?
The answer is, and always will be “keep eating Cosmic Brownies, fatass.” And while yes, that conclusion is arrived at 50% out of laziness, there’s also some legitimate merit to it.
Fitness, at its core, is one of the most primal qualities of attraction a man has at his disposal. Back before the days of spoken word, when our species was either hairy and primitive or completely nonexistent (depending on whether or not you’re a fan of the Scopes Monkey Trial verdict), physical attraction was the name of the game. And back when personality, wealth, celebrity, and having an aquarium in your room were nothing more than untapped concepts, it was your fitness that determined your overall success as a living organism.
Generally speaking, this hasn’t changed. Life is still one big game of “get laid or die a loser,” and fatties always have and will draw the short straw (which, much to their dismay, is an actual straw, not a Pixie Stick). But hope is not lost. Over time, women became more interested in other traits than just attractiveness. The advents of the aforementioned personality, wealth, celebrity, and aquariums in rooms saw big boys like Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle (before those 3 manslaughter trials), Henry VIII (before he had two of his wives beheaded), John Belushi (before he was taken from us too soon), and your tank fraternity brother 38-beer Perkins (before you found out he was really into Digimon) earn societal respect respectively. Admittedly, it’s tougher to find successful fat people who don’t come with at least modest amounts of baggage, but who cares? If you’re fat, just compensate for it in some way and you’re in the clear.
It seems like everybody is concerned with their appearance these days, so much so that they’re willing to spend more time working out at the gym per day than they are doing any other single activity. This has always baffled me, as gyms are probably the least fun places in the world in which to hang out besides a room full of Vine stars. Instead of spending that time working on your outward appearance, spend it working on your inward one. Your body will hate you, but your mind will thank you. Who do you think people like more, the loser with no personality who’s at the gym doing curls, or the tub o’ lard on a Jazzy making everyone laugh while popping wheelies and doing double curls (curling cheese curls into his mouth)? The answer is obvious.
Those love handles? She wants nothing more than to grab ’em. That spare tire spilling over the elastic waistband of your athletic shorts? It gets her motor running. So stop hitting up Gold’s, and start hitting up the Golden Arches. Because as long as you compensate for it, fatness beats out fitness every day of the week..
Although the article was funny, did I read correctly that you’ve only put on 10 lbs over the last several months and now consider yourself obese??
9 years ago at 10:34 amDepends on his height. 195lbs at 5’7” would be a 30.5 BMI and technically obese (>30 BMI). It’s dependent on your height.
9 years ago at 10:45 amBut if he is 5’7″ and began at 185lbs, he would have still had a bmi of 29.0 which is considered overweight. He still gained only 10lbs regardless of his height.
9 years ago at 10:51 amyou should probably not use those online BMI calculators, Gronk is like 6’6 and 268lbs (im guessing from memory, but its close) and according to those measurements this pro athelete is obese.
9 years ago at 12:32 pmHow many people do you think have the body type of Fucking Gronk? BMI is fine for 98% of people, including most people that lift as long as they are natty.
9 years ago at 9:14 pmHe’s right… BMI is a good index for like everyone who isn’t a professional athlete/lifter. If you’re a normal person and your BMI says you’re obese… you’re going to be fat, end of story.
9 years ago at 10:22 amImpressive. Are you pre-med?
9 years ago at 1:29 pmno sir, just an average joe thats sick of being called fat by BMI calculators.
9 years ago at 2:58 pmThis is the truth. BMI is such a bullshit indicator of one’s health and wellness.
9 years ago at 3:08 pmHaha yeah sure fatty
9 years ago at 9:47 amDon’t call yourself fat, it’s not weight gain it’s “cultivating mass”
9 years ago at 10:51 amOh Danny boy, just because you’re logged into Jareds account doesn’t mean we don’t all know it’s you trying to justify those Upton-esque fun bags hanging from your chest
9 years ago at 11:00 amSo what I got from this is that you still look like an Olsen twin standing beside Danny Regs…
9 years ago at 11:02 amFun fact: we’re both 195 lbs.
9 years ago at 1:46 pm*295
9 years ago at 2:49 pm195 pounds if someone is holding both tits and you have a table supporting your gut while you’re on the scale Dbro
9 years ago at 8:27 pmWait so you’ll put sailboats on a fine pair of tits, but leave those uncensored?
9 years ago at 1:15 pmI get the point of the article, but I think your point is wrong. Being obese, overweight, or “skinny fat” is still unhealthy and I think society should still strive to stay fit, or at least be capable of walking a flight of stairs without needing an inhaler. Americans are getting bigger, and it’s downright unhealthy. I’ll probably be lapped for this because “dad bods” are frat but c’mon have a sense of pride.
9 years ago at 1:20 pmI think you took his words a little too seriously considering this is a fratire (frat satire) website.
9 years ago at 5:18 pmTrust me I grasp the point, and I’m assuming it was all said in sarcasm. However people take it seriously and obesity is a serious issue in our country.
9 years ago at 5:48 pmNot the time nor the place for being serious. Besides, who could take you serious when your second place to Flo, the first lesbian spokeswoman for a national corporation
9 years ago at 8:29 pmFlo’s a slut.
9 years ago at 8:37 pm