college freshman facebook page

Five More People You Saw In Your College’s Cringeworthy Incoming Freshman Facebook Page

college freshman facebook page

So last week I wrote a piece about Five People You Saw In Your College’s Cringeworthy Incoming Freshman Facebook Page, and apparently you fuckers liked it. After all, it doesn’t really matter where you go to college; you still tend to run into the same revolving cast of people. You guys found the piece “fun,” “relatable,” and “genuine” — all the things both my ex-girlfriend and the court-appointed therapist said I should be.

As time went on, though, I realized there were some colorful people I left off my last list. They deserve to have their chance in the TFM limelight, too, so here it is: five MORE people you saw in your college’s cringeworthy incoming Facebook page.

The Student-Athlete

You recognize him immediately from his profile picture: him in his high school football uniform. The picture of him is one of two things: either him on his senior night with his dad next to him or a cute picture of him and his cheerleader girlfriend (who’s in the uniform, of course). You think, “Hey, he seems chill,” so you follow him on other social media. On Twitter, he criminally overuses the white-girl hieroglyphics known as emoji. His Instagram is filled with pictures of him doing high school football drills, or, as he called them, “training” and “the grind.” You finally scroll to a picture of him winning his state football group three sectional championship or some shit with the caption “#blessed.” He thinks he’s a future Heisman winner, but he’s just going to graduate as a Health Studies major.

The Social Justice Warrior

Every college has an army of them nowadays, and there’s no avoiding them. The social justice warrior is not only offended at everything, but they will go so far as to plan a rally or protest for all of it and invite you and annoy the entire page in an attempt to drum up attention. If you’re lucky, maybe they’ll try to bribe you to go to their protest with food. Of course you then go; not because you support the cause, but because you’re a starving college kid.

The SJWs often talk in circles or mutter blatantly contradictory statements like, “This isn’t an anti-Trump protest, it’s an anti-hate protest! #notmypresident! Hillary 2020!” Will you see them in class? Probably not, unless it’s a safe space and there’s a dog for them to pet.

Weed Dealer

Considering 200% of all college students have at least tried weed, we’ve all run into this person. Your first encounter with them is when they post in the Facebook group if anyone is looking for “the hookup.” Almost immediately after, the overly cheery and innocent orientation group leader/page admin responds with some cringeworthy, awkward joke while saying, “This isn’t the place for that KYLE.” You click on their profile to see what they look like. They without a doubt have long, greasy hair and are wearing a hat. They’re not wearing a snapback, though; it’s like a knit cap someone would wear skiing or that you’d see on the head of a newborn bald baby. This matches the entirely-too-big hoodie that they’re also wearing. Their favorite band is, without a doubt, Green Day, Lil Wayne, or — if they’re feeling adventurous — 50 Cent. Also, I’m willing to bet money there’s no less than 20 videos of them attempting skateboarding tricks on their page.

Student Government Kid

Easily the most inspirational — and most fake — out of the people on the Facebook page. They treat every post like a campaign speech because they wholeheartedly believe that the student government association is the stepping stone to the U.S. presidency (that the SJW students will try to protest, most likely). Their parents are either rich, powerful, or both. When they write a status, it sounds like one of those fake celebrity posts where they ask questions like, “What can I do to make campus better for YOU!” I’ll give it to them, though, that they’re always very energetic and optimistic, like the human version of the wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man thing from a used car lot. This Facebook group member is easily identifiable by the fact that their profile picture is them in a suit for no reason at all. Are they at a wedding? A graduation? I don’t know; I guess that’s just part of the mystery.

The Transfer

Fast forward three months and freshman year is already halfway over. You started hating that roommate you met via this goddamn Facebook page around Thanksgiving break, and you also broke off your first serious college relationship (which lasted a grand total of three to four weeks). Things are looking up for the next semester, though, because you’ve found a fraternity you love and you can’t wait to start rushing.

Sometime during winter break, you check in on Facebook to see who from high school either got pregnant or failed out of their first semester of college. That’s when you see a new post on the Facebook page.

“Hey guys! I’m transferring next semester from community college! I’d love to get to know you guys! Can’t wait to be class of 2018!”

They seem nice enough, and without a doubt they’re wearing glasses in their profile picture (I don’t know why; they just always are). You think, “Hey, maybe we’ll meet up and become friends,” but you never end up seeing them or meeting them in the end.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Wraith

    The insecure try-hard. Posts “Hey, who wants to get together and tip some brewskis” and then after 5 minutes of inaction posts “Fine. Fuck you losers. You’ll all be working for me someday anyway”. Commonly referred to as The Virginator.

    7 years ago at 10:56 am
      1. Wraith

        I am sitting down. Isn’t that how most people work with computers? I suppose you have a standing set-up for when you have to catch and your BF pitches too hard.

        7 years ago at 11:57 am
      2. thevaginator

        You’re dangerously close to getting your ass beat kid. I’d shut the fuck up before you get knocked out

        7 years ago at 1:20 pm
      3. Ghost of Dixie Past

        Yeah, give us another one little man. How much does Wraith owe you for all that real estate in your head?

        7 years ago at 4:07 pm
      4. thevaginator

        Probably not the best idea to be talking shit to someone who would beat your ass don’t ya think little man?

        7 years ago at 4:17 pm
      5. Ghost of Dixie Past

        The only ass you’re beating tonight is the one on the obese middle aged Asian in all leather you pick up at your gay bar of choice.

        7 years ago at 4:23 pm
      6. thevaginator

        So you’re admitting that you are too much of a pussy to do anything. Figured. Enjoy working for me you broke bitch

        7 years ago at 5:31 pm
      7. Wraith

        Always talking about “ass”. You are obsessed by it. When did you realize that you are gay (not that there is anything wrong with that).

        7 years ago at 4:39 pm
      8. thevaginator

        You’re a fucking loser kid quit running your mouth before I knock a couple teeth into the back of your skull

        7 years ago at 6:22 pm
      9. Wraith

        What? A guy can’t stay off TFM for a few days of drinking with buddies and Eiffel towering your mom.

        7 years ago at 5:34 pm
      10. jizzrag69v2

        *Drinking his buddies’ jizz during a three-man Eiffel Tower in his mom’s basement

        7 years ago at 11:12 pm
      11. Wraith

        Getting your logins mixed up between Vag and Jizz, eh. I’ll take on all your personslities.

        7 years ago at 8:11 am
      12. jizzrag69v2

        This is my only account and I’m you don’t like it you can say it to my face. Pussy

        7 years ago at 8:53 am
    1. Henry_Eighth

      The daughter of Zeus was a virgin, so this is definitely a different Athena. But yeah I’d give her the ol’ thunderbolt.

      7 years ago at 11:45 am
  2. jizzrag69v2

    The high school frat stars wearing brand new boat shoes and the clothes their mommies ordered from Man Outfitters, aka Fratty Couples, sigmanugs311, Fratty mcfratfrat, Wraith, stardog, and ksig1869ab

    7 years ago at 11:17 am
    1. Wraith

      Wanna fight? I’ll even step onto your turf. Just let me know which gay bar you’re at.

      7 years ago at 11:55 am
      1. EliseMyers

        Make 12000 bucks every month… Start doing online computer-based work through our website. I have been working from home for 4 years now and I love it. I don’t have a boss standing over my shoulder and I make my own hours. The tips below are very informative and anyone currently working from home or planning to in the future could use this website……

        7 years ago at 12:36 pm
      2. jizzrag69v2

        What’s up sugar tits? How bout bending over and showing us that dirt star. For the boys

        7 years ago at 12:38 pm
      3. Wraith

        Hess Hall? I thought you were rich. Shouldn’t you be in Stokely? You lowly poor.

        7 years ago at 12:57 pm
      4. jizzrag69v2

        You looked it up you fucking loser. How much do I owe you for the space that I occupy in your head?

        7 years ago at 3:11 pm
      5. SigmaNugs311

        The virginator must be your roommate/fuck buddy. That’s the same address he gives out. The The Virginator’s Jizzrag.

        7 years ago at 4:17 pm
      6. thevaginator

        Holy shit kid that was just pathetic, even for someone who goes to Georgia State. Give it another go slugger, and try not to embarrass yourself this time

        7 years ago at 6:28 pm
      7. Wraith

        I toured UT back before I realized that I wanted to get an education and not just stay above the curve if I could spell my name and count to 11 without taking off a shoe.

        7 years ago at 4:43 pm
      8. thevaginator

        And yet, you’ll still end up broke and working for me. Funny how that works out isn’t it little ma

        7 years ago at 6:27 pm
  3. Ghost of Dixie Past

    The only remotely readable content on this site now is Tinder Lines, Fail Friday and the comments on Lets get Weird, and you guys are 1 for 3 so far. Come on.

    7 years ago at 4:09 pm