Rushee asked if we have a payment plan for dues. No Bid. TFM.

  1. WestTexasFrat

    Oldmoney56, let me know when your own Dad fires you for being such an unbelievably unintelligent, arrogant, worthless prick. Maybe I’ll let you answer my phone if you shut your fuckin mouth.

    14 years ago at 7:57 am
  2. StayClassy

    TFM to the young man who wanted to be fiscally responsible. I am sure he is contributing great things to the fraternity he decided to join.

    14 years ago at 11:00 am
  3. dzcutie

    Who cares. I’m sure the young man would have been unhappy in that particular fraternity anyway. Hopefully he affiliated with someone who will appreciate him for who he is and not for his net worth.

    14 years ago at 3:48 pm
  4. Nova TFM

    Ya I walked door to door selling books for a summer in Missisippi to pay dues. Oldmoney56, guess what I probably made more money in a day that that you dad makes in a week. So, go fuck your self. Also, the number 56 is associated with my fraternity I sure hoe your not one of my brothers.

    14 years ago at 2:20 pm