Florida Man Stabs And Kills Friend Over The Last Beer


Deciding who gets to drink the last beer can be tense. Should the guy who bought the beer get the last one? Should the guest enjoy it? There are numerous ways to approach this age old dilemma, but one thing is for sure. It isn’t worth killing someone for the last beer–at least not for us normal people.

Daniel Trent, a 38-year-old Floridian, is not a normal person. I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why he’s not normal, but the main thing that separates him from the rest of society is that he was willing to kill his friend over the last beer.

Trent had invited his friend, Mark Durham, to his house so they could crush a few dozen beers. The two men finished a 24-pack of Natural Ice, a true gentleman’s beer, then drank 17 beers from an 18-pack the two men had purchased together.

According to Trent, Durham grabbed the last beer, which, as you probably guessed, really pissed him off. Things got heated, an argument broke out, and Durham took a small kitchen knife and cut the side of one of Trent’s fingers.

Trent then grabbed the knife and stabbed his friend twice. According to him, the two stabs–one in the chest and one in the stomach–were purely in self defense. Is that the case? I’m not a lawyer and I’m certainly not a judge, but I suppose it’s not unreasonable. Trent felt his life was threatened and he defended himself. Obviously, his friend, Mark Durham, isn’t around to give his side of the story, so we may never know what actually happened. In the end though, Trent is facing a second degree murder charge.

As I said before, I don’t know the full story. All I know is you should never get violent over the last beer. Here’s a solution: buy enough beer so everyone will be able to drink plenty and there will still be some left over. There’s nothing wrong with stocking up on beer. That’s just being smart.

[via The Huffington Post]

      1. Rust Cohle

        You’re right, fella. I apologize. I’ll try and uphold a higher standard from hereon.

        10 years ago at 8:36 pm
  1. Fratpa Alpha

    Thats how my hometown of Ocala rolls. Not sure how many people I have killed for a Steel Reserve

    10 years ago at 6:14 pm
  2. MattyIce313

    I believe in happy endings. I like to think that he at least got to drink that last beer after stabbing his friend

    10 years ago at 9:34 am