Florida State Fraternity Rush Cancelled Due To “Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease” Outbreak


Fraternity rush at Florida State University has been cancelled due to hand-foot-and-mouth disease, which is usually found in young children.

From The Tab:

Several students at Florida State have recently been diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease, a condition spread through bodily contact that causes blisters or lesions on your hands, feet and inside your mouth.

The disease is incredibly common in daycares, kindergarten classes and other places with young children, and has recently been spreading across Northeast Florida.

At first I thought this was a satire about how frat dudes are immature, often saying or doing things that get them in trouble, like a play on the common expression, “Put your foot in your mouth.” But nope, hand-foot-and-mouth disease is real.

From Web MD:

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is an illness that causes sores in or on the mouth and on the hands, feet, and sometimes the buttocks and legs. The sores may be painful. The illness usually doesn’t last more than a week or so.

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is common in children but can also occur in adults. It can occur at any time of year but is most common in the summer and fall.

Apparently, the disease is usually found in young children in tight-knit communities, like daycares or preschools. It has been known to thrive in Florida, and spreads through coughing, sneezing, and infected feces.

Rush events were cancelled Tuesday night. No word yet on when activities will resume.


Looks like sororities are on quarantine, too.


The FSU satire paper already ruined whatever humor could be found in the situation.


Soft take.

I don’t know what to say, Florida State. This is bizarre. I guess just try to cover your mouths when you sneeze and stop leaving your infected feces lying around. Get well soon and resume rush pronto. From the sound of it, the brothers need a few pledges to help clean up.

[via The Tab]

Image via YouTube

  1. JohnRedcorn211

    normally found in young children, hmm? only one dark haired TFM employee couldve triggered this outbreak

    9 years ago at 12:11 am
    1. BrockTurner

      Uhhh. Acutally, tbh I think it was my bad this time haha. Whatever, she wont remember it.

      8 years ago at 5:09 am
      1. Uncle Sam hates GDIs

        Look most of my experience with risk management was on the risk generating side…but even I think it’s a bad idea to have a ‘Brock turner’ flavored user/troll. One of those feminist rags gets ahold of that and we will be crucified for allowing him. So call it a moment of clarity, call it maturing, but let’s just stop this one before “fraternity media outlet promotes rape culture and supports Brock” on the front page of Jezebel/salon/USA TODAY/buzzfeed.

        8 years ago at 5:36 am
      1. LewinskyFanClub

        You email your online community college advisor and ask what I meant when I commented on an forum

        8 years ago at 4:00 am
  2. Chedda B 225

    Breaking news: Dorn patient zero in case of Florida State illness linked to the feet hands and mouths of small children

    8 years ago at 1:25 am
  3. Danroberts30

    This disease went through my HS soccer team, can spread through sweat. Nasty af, and takes a long time for the sores to fully heal

    8 years ago at 1:35 am
  4. TooOld4College

    I’d be totally down to catch this from the girl that plays Katie on the crappy looking TFM Movie. Especially if that meant I was sticking her feet in my mouth.

    8 years ago at 1:42 am
  5. SharkWeekTFM

    Article photo is actually a pic of a certain intern’s vajayjay turned sideways and yes I’m talking about the TFM Intern. I think this explains the hiccup in Fail Fridays: explains, not excuses.

    8 years ago at 12:37 pm