Flying Golf Club Shaft Impales Girl At Kappa Alpha Rush Party

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With the fall semester starting up again, and of course with fraternity rush in full swing, I’m looking forward to the imminent influx of stories to report on via college campuses from coast to coast. Having said that, I sincerely hope this is the first and last story that comes across my desk involving a flying golf club shaft that impales a human.

On Tuesday evening, the lawn of the Arkansas State University Kappa Alpha Order house was the scene of a gruesome incident involving a broken golf club and subsequent trip to the ER. Natalie Jo Eaton, 18, was impaled by a broken golf club shaft at a KA rush party.

From Kait 8:

According to police, “rush” activities were taking place at the Kappa Alpha House earlier in the afternoon. Officer Bill Brown stated that people were playing games outside before a cookout.

The incident report stated that as people were standing around, a 19-year-old male threw a football to a 20-year-old male, who “was to use a golf club as a bat and hit it.” When the club hit the ball, shaft broke.

“The separated shaft and head traveled around 30 feet when the shaft impaled (Eaton),” the incident report stated.

The condition of Eaton, a member of Chi Omega at ASU, has not been released. We hope for a full and speedy recovery.

[via Kait 8]

Image via Waymarking

  1. GOPfrat_VT

    Dorn: I guess this is the best news today to try to get another Greek life organization in trouble.

    10 years ago at 4:21 pm
  2. Mojo238

    This girl is fighting for her life and y’all are making comments like this…makes me sick

    10 years ago at 4:30 pm
  3. stAte17

    I actually know the girl very well, she is doing better, but she still needs prayers.

    10 years ago at 4:57 pm
  4. Not_A_TKE

    I bet Dorn would like to impale some little boys with his…….ugh this isn’t even funny anymore.

    10 years ago at 5:37 pm