Peeing in his refrigerator after a day of raging at the Alumni Golf Tournament. TFTC?

  1. Fratsider

    “Bro, stick some fratty stickers on me and piss inside me so we can get on TFM.” Obviously that douchey fridge’s idea

    13 years ago at 7:41 pm
  2. Rhett SInclair III

    God damn poors pissing all over the place. I bet this guy just got really drunk of off two or three beers and then ordered some stickers, and stuck them on this shitty fridge in his top-tier fraternity house. Then, when he got shit-housed again stood in front of the open door and pretended to urinate everywhere while his girl friend took the picture. He probably has nothing better to do than stage photos for a college website. The making up the caption to make it seem more like it actually happened. God damn douche.

    13 years ago at 8:15 pm
    1. iwearshortshorts

      he hit his head on the ceiling fan a few more than too many times. I’m sure of it.

      13 years ago at 1:23 pm