Foam Parties: The Most Dangerous Bubbles?

NBC Health would like you to know that when you’re at a foam party, DANGER ABOUNDS!

What could go wrong at such a “foam party,” where the bubbles are sometimes frothed several feet high? Several things, it turns out.

This sounds pretty serious. Probably something I haven’t thought of. What could these previously unknown dangers be?

As machines spray foamy bubbles onto partygoers, revelers who get a face full of soapy bubbles can suffer from stinging, burning red eyes, not to mention the falls that can happen when the floor gets slick…

So pretty much the exact same danger I’m in when I take a drunk shower and get shampoo in my eyes? Well that doesn’t sound that bad. Here, I can solve this whole problem right now:

Presenting the Delta Lambda Gamma Foam Party! Brought to you by: Safe Step Walk-In Tub Co.

There will be handles installed at hip level around the basement, and those no slip rubber shower mats will line the floor. It’ll be like your partying inside of your grandparents’ nightmares.

But it wasn’t actually fraternities that brought foam parties to the attention of NBC though, rather it was a foam party gone wrong at a Naples, Florida night club.

About 40 people sought emergency room treatment for eye injuries after a foam party on May 25 at a Naples, Fla., nightclub, said Deb Millsap, a spokeswoman for the Collier County Health Department.

To be fair, a foam party in Florida actually does sound dangerous. A bubble bath themed party seems like it would be ground zero for bath salt addicts. What better place for them to blend in? No one would be able to tell that they wreaked of lavender and chamomile, which of course are the tell tale signs of a bath salt addict. Well that and having crazy “a demon told me to eat your face” eyes.

The foam can also bring on nausea and vomiting if too much is inhaled or swallowed, Mell said. And if someone throws up, “that can create another slippery spot on the floor,” he noted.

I’ll give them credit, that’s actually a legitimate concern. Slipping in puke because you couldn’t see it is the fraternity equivalent of stepping on a landmine. They also make the completely relevant point that Anne Hathaway once got pink eye at a foam party, so remember to have your pledges working the door check the entrants for red, puffy eyes.

Other than that my only advice would be to go through a foam party on the buddy system. It’s probably best to partner up with someone of the opposite sex and embrace them all night. You know, for balance. BE SAFE!

  1. SouthernGent1856

    Surprised they didn’t try and link this to Greek life and pull some hazing bullshit out of their ass and say that because foam parties are dangerous, fraternities are dangerous.

    12 years ago at 1:04 pm