Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer Gives Incredible Insight From His Perspective On 9/11

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Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer has been giving some incredible insight on the actions President Bush and his staff took 13 years ago today, during and after the worst terrorist attacks on American soil. In a live-tweet format, Fleisher, who was with Bush through the entirety of the day, has shared photos, notes, perspective, and even new details, including a report on a sniper at the end of the runway from where Air Force One took off. The account is long, but it’s most certainly a worthwhile, interesting read.

Ari stopped at this point:

He has since started tweeting again, and the live feed can be found here.

Image via Twitter

  1. ZeteNJ

    I’ve been reading this all day. Just have his page open on my desk top and checking it every 5-10 mins or so. It’s absolutely fascinating.

    10 years ago at 4:52 pm
  2. swagbear

    Call me a conspiracy theorist, but there’s just too much weirdness surrounding that day. For example, there wasn’t an official investigation launched until 441 days after the fact. Add that to the fact that traces of nano-thermite dust were found among the little wreckage that remained, because the govt. had the steel from the WTC shipped overseas and melted down almost immediately, which was an unprecedented violation of federal crime scene laws. Now that you’ve read this far, consider this: Bush had breakfast with Osama Bin Laden’s brother the morning of 9/11, and not too many people know that a THIRD WTC building also fell that day-a building that had not been touched by any plane. Now, add all this up to the fact that, on 9/11, it was the only time in history that a building comprised of mostly steel collapsed due to fire. I know what you’re thinking: fuck this nigga, but seriously give this some thought. This wouldn’t be the first time the United States brass would have considered attack it’s own citizens. For those of you who don’t know what I’m referring to, go look up Operation Northwood, a declassified military plan from 1962, rejected by Kennedy, in which american citizens and troops would be shot and killed, american planes hijacked, and military bases would be attacked; all this to be blamed on cuba as a pretext for a U.S. invasion. Not saying 9/11 was for sure orchestrated by our government, but there are too many questions left unanswered, even thirteen years later, for us not to even consider the possibility. Just some food for thought. #murica

    10 years ago at 2:42 pm
    1. TooBusyYachting

      If you watch the video of the towers collapsing you can see where they buckle. They start to collapse where the planes hit. It wasn’t just caused by the fire. The building lost a huge amount of structural integrity when a freaking airliner plowed through it. But you never hear about that in conspiracy theories. Not to mention this wasn’t just a normal fire. It was fueled by JP-8 jet fuel which burns extremely hot… Like melt your face and balls hot. They always just blame the fire like it’s the type you have in your house Christmas morning. But just my perspective. Contrary to popular belief the government isn’t trying to brainwash us all or kill us all the time.

      10 years ago at 5:10 pm