Founder of PSUACB Outs Identities of Internet Trolls

For years CollegeACB, the Anonymous Confession Board, was the place to go to have discussions with other students and chat about campus culture talk mad shit on low tier GDI pussy creep fucks and ugly fat bitches who are totally ugly and fat, you guys. Obviously all this shit talking was made possible because the students could post anonymously. It’s always nice to know that college kids can be more cowardly than the girls in the ABC Family movie Cyberbully. At least those girls had the balls to post hateful things under their own names!

Unfortunately Greeks were some of CollegeACB’s most loyal users. It really made a great impression, I’m sure. Naturally this led to the boards being filled with the usual pointless threads about tiers, sluts, etc. Actually, scratch that “etc,” sluts and tiers are pretty much all that’s ever talked about on those dumbass gossip sites.

For whatever reason CollegeACB apparently withered and died out at Penn State. But a short while after it did someone brought it back under a different name and URL, Happy to finally have a place to release their inextinguishable hate once again, PSU Greeks went back to the site in force. But apparently PSUACB’s founder hadn’t founded the site to let haters be haters. They did it to trap the trolls. Below is a statement released by PSUACB’s founder in which they release some names of the trolls, their houses, and what they said.

You can see the unedited version on the Onward State website, Penn State’s student newspaper.

Let that be a lesson to the trolls, you’re all stupid dicks with the personality deficiencies of an insecure 12-year-old girl.

[h/t to reader nycfratstar]

    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      I heard it was Tim Salters… No but honestly piss him off enough and he’ll send you an email telling you to shut the fuck up, and it has his name on it.

      12 years ago at 12:17 pm
  1. FratAlwaysDrinkOften

    How are those 2 people trolls? The guy is talking about liking DZ over AOPi and the girl put her house down as 3rd tier. If they were trolling she would have put hers first or some shit and started ripping on the other houses.

    12 years ago at 11:55 am
    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      Yeah Bacon. Do it man. Maybe just like a couple even. It’s the internet, you can do whatever you want!

      12 years ago at 12:19 pm
    2. duckdog

      And risk the loss of ad revenue when everyone runs from the site because TFM compromised it’s only real redeeming quality (anonymity)….not going to happen.

      12 years ago at 2:34 pm
    3. Vandal

      Anonymity is the reason this website creates bad people and incredible levels of shit talk. arguably the foremost negative quality.

      12 years ago at 4:55 pm
    4. Old Virginia

      The shit talking and joke-making on this website are what provide a good portion of the humor, eliminating anonymous posts would be the quickest way to lose pretty much every user. To deal with the trolls the solution is simple, just ban their account.

      12 years ago at 12:46 pm
  2. anon7472974648

    The funny thing is if that DZ was a football coach, we’d probably never find out.

    12 years ago at 12:34 pm
  3. GottaLoveThe Grove

    This is fucking brilliant. Only time a Computer Science major has done something worth commending.

    12 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. hatesyou

      the internet, your smart phone and its apps, the .com boom i’d argue is pretty frat. cs majors rule the world. Your children will be mocked and stoned in the streets for not knowing ascii or linked data structures, probably not but i like to dream.

      12 years ago at 6:51 am
    2. Bernanke is a Hebe

      It’s a real shame that more fraternity men don’t major in CS. Besides myself, there’s one other fratty CS major at my school.

      12 years ago at 9:11 am