Founder of PSUACB Outs Identities of Internet Trolls

For years CollegeACB, the Anonymous Confession Board, was the place to go to have discussions with other students and chat about campus culture talk mad shit on low tier GDI pussy creep fucks and ugly fat bitches who are totally ugly and fat, you guys. Obviously all this shit talking was made possible because the students could post anonymously. It’s always nice to know that college kids can be more cowardly than the girls in the ABC Family movie Cyberbully. At least those girls had the balls to post hateful things under their own names!

Unfortunately Greeks were some of CollegeACB’s most loyal users. It really made a great impression, I’m sure. Naturally this led to the boards being filled with the usual pointless threads about tiers, sluts, etc. Actually, scratch that “etc,” sluts and tiers are pretty much all that’s ever talked about on those dumbass gossip sites.

For whatever reason CollegeACB apparently withered and died out at Penn State. But a short while after it did someone brought it back under a different name and URL, Happy to finally have a place to release their inextinguishable hate once again, PSU Greeks went back to the site in force. But apparently PSUACB’s founder hadn’t founded the site to let haters be haters. They did it to trap the trolls. Below is a statement released by PSUACB’s founder in which they release some names of the trolls, their houses, and what they said.

You can see the unedited version on the Onward State website, Penn State’s student newspaper.

Let that be a lesson to the trolls, you’re all stupid dicks with the personality deficiencies of an insecure 12-year-old girl.

[h/t to reader nycfratstar]

  1. Bronan the Barbarian

    Brov1x, you’re a bad person for linking that, and you should feel bad.

    12 years ago at 8:30 pm
  2. grandfrat

    Thanks, now I’m cracked-out on this site… It’s pretty much comedy-gold, almost as good as Greek Rank which is equally NF

    12 years ago at 1:36 am