Frat Essentials: Self Maintenance

I just crawled out of my cave for the first time since getting back from New Orleans, and I feel like absolute dog shit. My head is pounding, I can’t breathe through my nose, and for some reason it feels like my heart is being gripped harder than I was holding onto those hand grenades Saturday night. Needless to say, I had a fucking great time in the Big Easy. I know our respective universities vilify us for this, but those of us fortunate enough to enjoy the lifestyle of the Greek community realize the importance of a little recreational self-destruction from time to time. Bourbon Street was a two day blur fueled with sugar-coated grain alcohol, miscellaneous stimulants, too many cigarettes, and a log of my favorite long cut. Sure, Nancy Reagan wouldn’t approve, but everyone needs to blow off some steam when they are in college and we are certainly young enough to handle the toxic load of what might put down a small elephant.

That being said, it is important to note that my weekend long benders are not the high points of my life. I like to rage my face off as much as the next guy, but I also know you can’t call something a party if it happens every night. Moderation is key when it comes to getting the most out of your partying, and I know this is something we all forget every now and then. We’ve all been through that week where we are so loaded up with social events that partying seems more like work than fun. When you start to see this shift from fun to exhaustion, take a breather and put in some time to take care of yourself. It may seem “NF” to let your foot off the gas, but I assure you will thank yourself for it later. Glory may live forever, but there is nothing glorious about someone who dies in their prime before they accomplish anything.

Let’s not forget why we are in school in the first place; to learn. I may skip some studying to party, but if you are partying so often that you don’t even know what classes you are in, lord help you. It’s a damn shame that some people are so weak that alcohol is enough to get in the way of them staying on top of their shit. As many opportunities and connections as we have, they don’t mean a thing if you can’t stay sober long enough to make decent grades. Do you think that brokerage or law firm is going to laugh off the days you come into work smelling like whiskey, hell-bent to leave your head on the desk to catch a nap and get back to bed? No fucking way. Don’t let your downtime get in the way of the shit you are supposed to be doing. It makes the rest of us look bad.

Also, all that beer and whiskey adds up if you don’t take the time to exercise. I don’t know about you, but last time I checked no girl really likes fucking the fat kid. Being a drunk, fat slob isn’t some kind of illness, and people know this. You have to work really hard at letting yourself go, and it starts with trying to find something at the bottom of a bottle and a bag of chips. I’m not trying to say that you need to be some cut-up juice head, those kids are fucking assholes, I’m just saying keep an eye on yourself.

Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here, but it’s important to stay on top of your personal health amidst all the raging we do in college. You have to keep your grades up, your weight down, and your partying in check if you want to make something of your letters one day. Even though he may have been a huge douche, Dean Wormer said it best. “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” Keep that in mind next time you think you’d rather drink for a whole week than go to class.

    1. More Frat Than You

      Make it two because that has to be the most idiotic thing I’ve seen all year

      13 years ago at 3:01 pm
  1. Nobama 2012

    Great post, we need more like this. As a wise man once said, “3.8 GPA during the week, .38 BAC on the weekend”.

    13 years ago at 8:52 pm
    1. proud to be tEXan

      You are aware that a .38 can be lethal. I’m fine with blackout drinking and understand the humor of the saying, but this is just moronic.

      13 years ago at 9:23 pm
    2. Nobama 2012

      I am indeed aware. Just thought the TFM fit the occasion. Drinking yourself to death is not frat at all.

      13 years ago at 9:29 pm
  2. James Parks Calwell

    Aside from the occasional adderall-induced all-nighter the night before an exam, if you need to study to make the Dean’s List in undergrad, then you’re a retard to begin with.

    13 years ago at 8:58 pm
    1. SterlingArcher

      LSU fans are so fucking annoying. They act like LSU is God’s gift to football, when they’re not even a top ten program of all time. That being said, you guys are really god damn good this year.

      13 years ago at 12:37 am
  3. MightBePike

    Good indeed. But I have to say, while it is important to look healthy, I have seen guys with bear guts still get the girl. Attitude and perceived status is more important than looks alone, especially for girls. But, I’ve even seen guys fall for it too.

    The girl all the brothers are talking about that’s “so hot” is actually just above average but puts herself out there. Then I come back with the girl who’s been at the house every weekend but isn’t the center of attention and all the guys are like “woah, how did I miss that? She must have flown under radar!”

    13 years ago at 9:07 pm
    1. ThinkThereforeFRAT

      It’s worth mention the previous TFM:

      I’ll start working out when I stop getting laid.

      13 years ago at 9:15 pm
    2. The Golden Fleece

      You’re a Phi Mu Alpha, although I agree Pike sucks balls, you’re not even in a Fraternity. Leave.

      13 years ago at 9:15 pm
    3. The Golden Fleece

      While I’d like to believe you’re a troll or fake account, you seem too passionate about your music club.

      13 years ago at 9:21 pm
    4. SterlingArcher

      Jesus, they have bear guts and they still get laid?! How much salmon do they eat?

      13 years ago at 12:40 am
  4. ThinkThereforeFRAT

    It is certainly important to “get shit done.” There are guys that were great their freshman year only to never slow down and end up getting suspended after crossing the line then doing cannon ball into the sea of shit that lies beyond.

    13 years ago at 9:13 pm
  5. cannonball

    Christ, am I supposed to start working out now? Drink in Moderation during the week? Self Maintenance should read as this. “drink 1 glass of water every day and if you can’t find one, drink a warm keystone.” Are you a Phi Delt? should we get some of our Bros together and work out in the gym?

    Couldn’t I just get drunk on the golf course and call it a day?

    13 years ago at 10:30 pm
    1. Tallapoosa Snu

      men know how to enjoy themselves in moderation. And taking care of yourself changes you from the idiot who sleeps til 4 from the man who can party til 4 and ace the test at 9 A.M. Hit the gym, exercise, eat right. Act like you have a future, not like you don’t see shit beyond tomorrow. Be a man. Thats what the fraternity is for.

      13 years ago at 1:32 am
    2. cannonball

      Did I say sleep till 4? how did you get that out of my post? what kind of fraternity man are you? did your chapter get the highest GPA on campus this semester? That’s real swell, I’m sure the ladies love to say they hang with the boys that have the highest cumulative GPA.

      13 years ago at 9:43 am
    3. IHSV

      ^No, but they love to say they hang with the men that are going to make the most money. Since when is being a dumb ass fratty?

      13 years ago at 4:24 pm