Frat Essentials: Whiskey

“You drink like my Grandpa.”

This is far and beyond one of the best compliments I’ve received during my days as a young boozehound. It is a compliment because most peoples’ grandpas know their way around a bar, and they don’t see quality spirits as an expense, but a necessity. Today, I take a page from the men who taught us how to drink by celebrating a liquor that truly defines the spirit of a Fraternity man; Whiskey.


Dark in color, its opaque caramel tones mask a bittersweet smoky taste profile that begs to be uncorked. Whiskey’s deep-rooted history spans many countries, and with that kind of diversity it easily takes the crown as America’s drink. In fact, there are so many different variations of whiskey that men of lesser merit will get into heated arguments about the actual classification of a given brand. These people obviously have nothing better to do. Save me the noise pollution at the bar and Google it when you get back to your mundane existence at home. However, I’m not here to teach you a lesson, I’m here to drink. So whether your taste is American Bourbon, American Rye, Canadian Rye, whatever the fuck people in Tennessee decide to call their whiskey (depending on the month and how the sun is shining), Irish whiskey, or Scotch, your bar will never be complete without at least 3 variations of this dark firewater. I personally prefer a nice mix of American Bourbon, Irish whiskey, and of course Scotch.

My American Bourbon of choice usually swings back and forth between Maker’s Mark and Woodford Reserve. The iconic wax-top bottle of the Maker’s is easily one of the most identifiable objects in any fraternity house, and the taste is just as classic, complimented by both sour and sweet mixers (if you have to mix your whiskey). Woodford Reserve is another great Sour-Mash American Bourbon from Central Kentucky that, much like Maker’s, goes well in most cocktails.

Moving on to Irish whiskey, I cannot praise the name of John Jameson enough. The Irish are an esteemed group of people that helped build America. However, everyone knows the Irish stereotype of drunken belligerence, and Jameson Irish whiskey may as well be nectar from the blackout gods. One of the easiest whiskeys to pull, Jameson’s sweet taste keeps you coming back time and time again. Mix it with ginger-ale and it will keep you slurring and fighting like your last name is O’Doyle.


Normally at this point I’d say “last but not least.” However, this next Whiskey is too good for clichés. Words like quintessential, premium, pinnacle, and greatest all seem to fall short of describing just how important Scotch Whiskey is to any man’s arsenal of dark liquor. I don’t care if you drink Johnnie Walker Blue, Glennfiddich, or Chivas Regal, the only mixer that truly accompanies Scotch is frozen water, and sometimes that’s even iffy. Normally I like to keep a 12-year Macallan on deck, and the true reason for that is because that’s what my father drinks. You really can’t go wrong with Scotch. Whether you prefer the blended varieties of Johnnie Walker or the traditional single malt, one glass will have you feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. It numbs the forehead, takes away the edge, and will keep you warm in the winter. If you have an ailment, Scotch is probably the cure, and I think of it as the wonder-drug.


So, next time you find yourself on that weekly run down to the campus liquor store, keep your priorities in line. Your back to school shopping list should somewhat resemble the following: whiskey, whiskey, and more whiskey. And by the way, pick up a few back up bottles. There is nothing cool about an empty bar. Let’s face it, you’ll probably need them now that the fall is here.

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  1. Alphachibro

    as for scotch, laphroig with its mossy, tones with an allusion to sherry is my absolute favorite. go with the 10 year for the sweetest and 30 for the earthiest.

    Powers irish whiskey beats Jameson on any level, you can drink it like juice, but it still retains its distinctly irish twang.

    I only drink american whiskey for nostalgia reasons, and for that there is nothing better than Old Crow. the slight tingle of jetfuel is pleasant compared to this stuff.

    13 years ago at 6:27 pm
    1. Lindsay BROhan

      Old Crow and Old Grand Dad are delicacies amongst Trailer Parks throughout the country

      13 years ago at 1:51 pm
    1. Gov_Lester Maddox

      If you are going to do it like that at least Evan Wiliams is actual bourbon instead of some neutral grain spirit bullshit.

      13 years ago at 9:49 pm
  2. GovJohnLetcher

    If you put water in Scotch, you should be beaten with a hose. Otherwise, a great article.

    13 years ago at 6:44 pm
    1. LSullivanRoss

      I used to think the same thing until I went and toured several distilleries and blenders in Scotland. Almost every Master Distiller and that I was able to talk to said the best way to enjoy a good Scotts whiskey was with a splash of distilled water. It realy does open up the flavor.

      13 years ago at 7:02 pm
    2. Lindsay BROhan

      he said the only thing you may add to scotch is “frozen water,” aka on the rocks, dickheads

      13 years ago at 1:53 pm
  3. slore slayer

    Maybe it’s just me but I would say American bourbon is above scotch. Scotch is aged in used American barrels. So I dont see what the idea is of it being so much “better”. It’s good, but overated.

    13 years ago at 8:05 pm
  4. CandC

    How the hell did Booker’s not get a mention in this. Maker’s is ridiculously overhyped.

    13 years ago at 8:22 pm
    1. InFratdel

      They’re not really in the same category. All Makers is good for is mixing with a bit of ginger ale. If you want something in the same price range try Buffalo Trace

      13 years ago at 2:12 pm
    2. FratCruiser

      Buffalo Trace is quite possibly the best “cheap” bourbon out there. But Booker’s is easily my favorite.

      13 years ago at 3:31 pm