Fratstars vs. Flatbills: It’s A War. Sterling Cooper Reports


Unbeknownst to many of you, I have been spending my recent months in a war-zone. When I am not working as a congressional lobbyist for whiskey distillers or in my position as the United States’ ambassador to the Republic of Texas, I am operating as a field correspondent in one of the most dangerous battlefields in the country…the party scene. I have been observing a war that many of you have been participating in. One that affects us all. But before I delve into this dark, twisted reality, allow me to set the scene for those of you who are lucky to not be involved.

GDIs have many flaws – chief of which is that they are GDIs – but in reality most of them are harmless. In fact, many of them are helpful. GDIs are the ones in our study groups who do all of the work while we skip group meetings to watch the sporting events we bet on. GDIs are the ones who practice for weeks for intramurals, only to lose to a team of mostly drunk, carefree fraternity men, even when we play two men short because one guy went to Vegas for no reason and another guy is passed out on our bench. Most importantly, GDIs are the ones who will end up working for us, doing all of the tasks that are below our caliber and pay grade. However, there is a group of GDIs who are much more than nerds and hipsters. These guys, my friends, are known as the Flatbills.

Flatbills are a very particular, very dangerous breed of GDI. They tend to fit a certain mold. Most of them played baseball in high school. A few of them were good enough to walk onto your university’s team, but definitely not good enough to earn a scholarship. They are, by no stretch of the imagination, athletes. Despite this, they act as if they are the coolest men the world has seen since the cast of Walker, Texas Ranger (which is cooler than an Eskimo’s dick in mid-February). They wear too-tight shirts with athletic shorts, drink shitty liquor mixed with energy drinks, and almost definitely have the most disturbing tribal/oriental tattoos you’ve ever seen. And yes, despite the huge amount of douchebaggery they exude, we are in a war with them.

This is not a war that we chose. If we had our way, the Flatbills would stay in their own hangouts and chase women with lower back tattoos exclusively. But this is not the case. Instead, they are invading. This is not Jets vs. Sharks, because musicals blow giraffe cock. This is Red Dawn, but instead of Russians, we’ve been invaded by UFC-watching, Affliction-wearing, steroided, Fred Durst wannabes. They’ve started coming to our bars, dominating our television, and (worst of all) chasing our women. This would be a minor annoyance if it weren’t for the fact that they’ve had some success. Countless sorority girls have fallen prey to the muscles and sugary “shots,” and I can no longer order a drink without seeing a backwards Yankee hat. I know what some of you are saying, “My bar doesn’t allow people like that in, so it’s not my problem.” Well here’s where you’re wrong. Sure, some bars ban Affliction and ball caps, but a lot of bars won’t. Why? Because a lot of these guys have…money. And bars don’t care about new money or old money; they just want to make a profit, which is great, because capitalism is my middle name. At the end of the day it’s not the job of the bars or the girls to prevent douche-tragedy. It’s ours.

So what do we do? Here’s my plan. Enough of us are in the financial sector that we can easily execute a hostile takeover of every brand that they love. After acquiring these brands (Affliction, Ed Hardy, 59/50, Red Bull, etc.), we set a meeting with the Flatbill Council in either a parking garage or an abandoned warehouse. We then inform them that unless they quit poaching on our land, we will sell all of these brands, at cost to us, to Walmart, to be marketed to the one group that they hate more than fratstars: poorer GDIs. It’s a risky move, but one that must be taken. Men, if we are to protect the sanctity of our bars and our ladies, we have to take a stand. Channel your inner Wolverine and do this with me (and if you don’t get the movie reference, then go back to Pakistan, because you are a fucking terrorist).

  1. Col Reb was a KE

    TFM has fallen so far in the past year… hardly anything posted on here is even remotely fratty now. This included.

    13 years ago at 5:36 pm
    1. CarBro Shorts

      ^ this, but try explaining that to all of the losers who live and die by the phrase “TFM.”

      13 years ago at 5:42 pm
    2. shooter

      Honestly, CarBro Shorts, if you’re so fucking butthurt about this website then get the fuck out.

      13 years ago at 5:52 pm
    3. CarBro Shorts

      I don’t mind the website at all. It’s pretty comic and entertaining, but it’s the people on this site that are so obsessed with the phrase “TFM” that ruin it. So no, I am not “butthurt” or a “bitch.” I’m honestly concerned about the next generation of leaders who say and do everything a website suggests they do. Form your own fucking opinions about shit. If you’re wondering, no, I am not a Democrat, or a Moderate. I am a true Republican who was born and raised in America and my parents taught me American values and principles and as an American, I have the ability to question something when I see it necessary. For those of you who just go along with what is “cool” all the time, good luck to you, because you’re just going to be pushed around when you get to the real world. As they say, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

      13 years ago at 6:33 pm
    4. Fradam C

      ^ CarBro you’ve written four paragraphs on this post. Get a life and learn how to take a fucking joke.

      13 years ago at 7:42 pm
    5. Leges

      Despite the pretty dumb name (CarBro Shorts) and the fact that you’re taking this a little too seriously, I agree with mostly what you (and company) said, such as:

      “the guy proposed a bullshit article with a bullshit solution that he thought would be funny and it really wasn’t.”
      “Everybody on here just loves it because it was the ‘almighty Sterling Cooper’ who posted it.”

      While Sterling Cooper has written superb, hilarious articles in the past, this one fails to draw any positive response from me. While his eloquent, descriptive GDI-bashing prose brings an entertaining, readable air to his articles, his usual topics are something relevant, pressing, and/or solvable, and the situations & solutions presented are generally agreed upon (and can be laughed about). This was not, at least for me, and the brown-nosing, ignorant comments suck more dicks than a Pike hazement. For example: “So true… you are wise and observant Mr. Cooper” – I don’t even talk to my boss at my internship like that.

      “everybody is just going along with being “frat” and can’t form their own opinions about anything unless this site forms it for them.”
      Now I’m not some mountain dew drinking nerd who screams “fuck conformity” and “stick it to the man”, but the majority of (the 1/3 of the people that aren’t high school kids) on this site have demonstrated intelligence on the level of useless meatheads who got a bid because you drove a rental car to rush, and who will be stuck in middle-management forever. But that’s a whole other story right now – maybe another column and a chance to redemption, Cooper?

      13 years ago at 7:45 pm
  2. MG

    I usually just ignore tools and dbags. You should probably frat harder if they bother you so much

    13 years ago at 5:45 pm
  3. Haze W

    Fuck you Sterling Cooper I played baseball and I sure as hell do not wear flat billed hats nor do I have a single tattoo. Oh almost forgot I am nowhere close to being roided up. America’s past time-FaF.

    13 years ago at 6:30 pm
    1. Haze W

      That and instead of writing articles work on your game so flatbilled **** don’t steal your girls. to clear the air though I hate those ****.

      13 years ago at 6:31 pm
    2. Haze W

      That and instead of writing articles work on your game so flatbilled **** don’t steal your girls. to clear the air though I hate those ****.

      13 years ago at 6:43 pm
    3. johnwallofKD

      1. Why did you post the same comment twice? 2. Why did you bleep out cuss words?

      13 years ago at 6:48 am
    4. Bros_n_Toes

      Haze W, Cooper isn’t bashing the sport of baseball. He’s bashing the tools who give it a bad name. Notice how he described a very specific type of baseball player.

      That being said, you sound like the type that gives baseball a bad name.

      13 years ago at 4:19 pm
  4. WilliamLewisFRATwood

    Well I do agree with this article as a whole, to bash the sport of baseball and baseball caps is a little too far. I will continue to wear my baseball caps and support our great American pastime. Given my hats do have a well rounded brim and are always forwards. If its good enough for Chipper Jones its good enough for me.

    13 years ago at 6:54 pm
  5. Dr Unk

    stop calling him Mr. Cooper. his name is a reference to the TV show Mad Men. it’s not a name, it’s an ad agency without the hyphen.

    13 years ago at 7:07 pm
    1. Haze W

      ^ you are a *** who is idolizing a person you have never met who writes articles for TFM. Get a fucking life bro.

      13 years ago at 7:40 pm
    2. Live Frat or Die

      ^Your an ass who is bashing people you have never met, who are idolizing people they never met who write articles for TFM. Think on this?

      13 years ago at 10:49 pm
  6. ColonelFratlete

    Fratletes. We play ball. And are in a frat. Hence, we take all your women. But I can’t say “your” because I am one of you. But I do get all your women.

    13 years ago at 8:25 pm
    1. ColonelFratlete

      I have an NCAA championship ring, and 4 years of composite photos in our fucking frat castle. Oh and your girlfriend’s panties.

      13 years ago at 11:56 pm
  7. Old South Gentleman

    Well CarBro Shorts just proved him or herself to be a complete douche

    If you **** have such strong feelings towards this website or article then submit your own column menstruating your opinions that nobody gives a shit about instead of writing novels in the comment section of the post. Y’all are taking it just a little overboard with how serious you think people take this site. And for the record, “CarBro Shorts” is not a fucking play on words. You substituted “bro” for “go”, bro being the implication that you’re in a fraternity. And it rhymes. Anybody can substitute “bro” in a word as long as it rhymes with one of the syllables. So clever and original

    13 years ago at 8:38 pm