The Obama Fade. NF. The Bush Swoop. TFM.

    1. rooster cogburn

      Obama having dinner at the white house with paul voelker and warren buffett next week to discuss the economy. TPresidentM
      Clinton having dinner at carls Jr. with a couple hooters waitresses and sneakin in a flask. TFTC
      Bush likely having dinner that he killed, prepped, and cooked himself. FaF

      13 years ago at 1:36 pm
    2. Denzel FRATington

      Yep. Graduating Magna from Harvard Law is FaF as well. But being friends with Ben Bernanke takes the cake. That guy’s a genius. Bush ignoring Katrina was FaF.

      13 years ago at 2:18 pm
  1. TokenBlack

    As token black, if the fade isn’t considered FAF, then what should I be rocking? I’m not trying to look like i’m coming out of a rap music video, but more of a respectable man by day, blacked out rager by night.

    13 years ago at 12:04 am
    1. rooster cogburn

      im sympathetic to your plight. maybe the kanye mullet? definitely TFTC. how about Charlie Rangels Black version of the republican? man i think you should just play it safe and go with the clean shaven head, its a very stately look.

      13 years ago at 1:42 pm