1. Cupid

    The amount of times I submitted this TFM when I woke up in Georgia/Mississippi amazes me..

    13 years ago at 8:49 pm
  2. SouthernTradition

    I once fell asleep on an airplane and woke up in a different state. TFM?

    13 years ago at 9:31 pm
    1. SterlingArcher

      Waking up in Meheeco or America’s Hat. NF. Unless you were referring to Europe, and if that’s the case, you most definitely were raped.

      13 years ago at 10:18 pm
  3. superfratual

    How in the flying fuck is this a TFM?
    Went to Oklahoma last night and gambled… then fell asleep on a friends couch. I’m cool. TFM

    13 years ago at 10:36 pm
  4. Dip

    Waking up in a bathtub full of ice with a crudely stitched up surgical incision above your left hip and searing pain where your kidney used to be. TFTC

    13 years ago at 10:47 pm
    1. Brobert F Kennedy

      Leaping from a building because you’re financially ruined. NF.
      Falling off a building when you’re drunk. FAF.

      13 years ago at 9:46 am