“Gay” Trees Offend Crazy Man

An Ohio man named Jim Flechtner Findlay recently made a startling discovery about Ohio’s state tree, the Ohio Buckeye. That discovery? That the tree has both bisexual and male flowers. Naturally the image of two beefy man trees going to town on each other offended Mr. Findlay’s delicate Christian sensibilities, so he felt compelled to write in to his local paper, The Courier:

Something in the “Just Ask” column (Page A3, May 29) disturbed me. According to the column, “the Ohio buckeye, Aesculus glabra, bears flowers with both male and female organs on the same tree. It is a monoecious species.” I couldn’t believe this, so I did some research and, sure enough, a science website (forestry.about.com) states that “the Ohio buckeye is polygamo-monoecious, bearing both bisexual and male flowers.” The buckeye is our state tree and most of us gladly wear the nickname, “buckeyes.” But it is shameful and unacceptable that a bisexual tree should represent us! We are flaunting the Holy Bible!

I urge everyone to contact their state representative and demand legislation removing the buckeye as our state tree and condemning the use of the term “buckeye” as a nickname for residents of Ohio.

Does anyone know if carnations are bisexual?

Jim Flechtner Findlay

Doesn’t Mr. Findlay realize that those trees didn’t choose to be bisexual? They were just germinated that way. Also I guess he clearly doesn’t understand the difference between plant “bisexuality” and human bisexuality. But even if they were the same, would you really be surprised that there are gay trees? They’re ALL wood. Every time branches from two different trees intertwine it’s like they’re playing swords.

But I’m no arborist, maybe there really are forests in Ohio where you can find two gay trees humping each other. So I decided to ask a real live plant scientist. Unfortunately the few that I called on the phone hung up as soon as I asked, “Do trees have butt sex?” I thought science was all about daring to ask questions, dammit! Furthermore a Google search of “Are buckeyes gay” simply led me to a handful of University of Michigan sports message boards and one website that I’ll be explaining to IT later today.

There’s no word on the current progress of Mr. Findlay’s petition to rid Ohio of it’s sort of gay mascot, but my guess is that it’s stalled at the “Get out of my face you crazy asshole” stage.

  1. Billy Frattison

    Actually, he did this completely sarcastically. His argument was that since your run-of-the-mill conservatives (which Ohio is full of) are so adamantly against gay marriage, it’s preposterous that Ohio’s state tree fucks itself to reproduce, and must be replaced – I’m paraphrasing.


    12 years ago at 2:57 pm
    1. ice cold frat

      ^ Did you seriously miss the sarcasm in the letter, especially the last sentence? This one went way over you head, bacs.

      12 years ago at 3:56 pm
    2. Billy Frattison

      I live in Ohio, it’s been all over the local news stations, and I’ve seen an interview with him. I can’t find it in writing anywhere where he blatantly says “this is sarcasm,” but he’s been quoted as saying so since this came out.

      12 years ago at 5:10 pm