GDIs: Hate Them Or Hate Them, They’re Here To Stay
Webster’s dictionary defines a GDI as a Good Dick Instigator – but we all know the real meaning: Goober Doofus Idiot. Giant Dorks International. Gosh Darn Imbecile. None of these titles are technically wrong.
GDIs, or “God Damned Independents,” suck. One has to wonder what led them to choose a life of sadness and solitude, instead of one full of sick rips and tight tits.
They’re the kids in your dorm playing Runescape until sunrise chuckling about how they posted hundreds of flyers reading, “GAMMA DELTA IOTA party tonight on the 4th floor” all over the hall as you stumble in from an epic night at the ’80s mixer. The ones who look at a beer pong table and think, “Wow, what a great place to play ping pong.”
I’m talking about the guys who are so uncool they wouldn’t have even received a bid from Oozma Kappa, if this was Monsters University. Personally, I’ve thought about it, and I would 100% without a doubt be in Roar Omega Roar, but we aren’t here to talk about me.
They’re easy to spot on campus because they all have “Hillary 2016” on their backpacks and Lenovo laptops. Seriously? Buy a fucking Macbook, you geed.
The only vague similarity between Frat Lords (like us) and GDIs is the amount of time we spend hugging the toilet. Frat Lords, of course, from partying too hard at an almost constant rate, and GDIs from the equally constant barrage of swirlies.
Look, I don’t have to tell you all the cool benefits of being in a frat – but I will:
∙ Cool handshakes
∙ Friendship
∙ Looking at nude bodies
∙ Chugging
∙ Discounts at autoparts stores
∙ History lessons
∙ Crying
∙ Computer
∙ The best Hotwheels racetracks
∙ Someone to play hopscotch with
∙ Chalk to play hopscotch with
∙ Cement to draw a hopscotch court on
Hate them or hate them, if GDIs were banished from campus like they ought to be, who else would there be to laugh at? Would these wonderful frat things still be special?
I’m not saying you can’t declare Geed-had on them every once in a while, but GDIs are a necessary evil. We will always love to hate them and kick those backpack wearing dorm-rats out of our parties until our undergrad days come to an end (and probably even when we become rich graduated DILFS).
Every semester, a great tip is to locate with pinpoint accuracy, the geed in each class that will do your bitchwork for you. It’s a classic carrot held in front of a horse scenario, but the carrot is “an invite to a big party” and the horse is the geed. Spoiler Alert: the horse never gets the carrot. But you make grades and stay off of social probation.
We’ve all been in a class with a big test coming up and without any form of study guide (hell, most likely you didn’t even bother purchasing the textbook.) This is a GDI-hate gray area. Throw a studious-looking GDI in your class a simple “my man!” and he will be tossing study guides back at you for the rest of the semester when he’s not calling home and reporting his social success to his mom.
A Beta has to exist for an Alpha to survive. Frat life wouldn’t be special if everyone was invited. GDIs are good because if everyone was in a frat there’d be no space in the castles for all the guys so I’d have to share a bed with my buddy Todd and he has sleep apnea so I’d get very little sleep. We need the geeds and the geeds need us.
Years from now, when you take whatever slam piece you’re with at the moment to Marble Slab for ice cream, you’ll remember with a certain fondness the ways in which GDIs really did shape your college career, as you watch the guy you used to cheat off of in Calculus smash toppings into the ice cream of the girl you are taking home to smash into your headboard.
A wise man once asked, “what’s cooler than being cool?” Well, I’m afraid that I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know what’s uncooler than being uncool — and that’s “not being in a frat.”
Thanks guys, for all that you do. You are a special breed, Geed..
Image via YouTube
Don’t talk shit about my bro Oozma Kappa
10 years ago at 4:12 pmAnd if you fucks at TFM are really this desperate to give away your money, hit me the fuck up and I’ll get to writing.
10 years ago at 4:24 pmI’m a girl but I’m with you on this one, Oozma Kappa for life. Also this article sucked- it sounds like a high schooler trying to pose as a frat daddy. I propose TFM stops accepting articles from “RudeTeensClub”
10 years ago at 4:42 pmSHOW US YOUR TITS
10 years ago at 5:13 pmSHOW ME YOUR DICK
10 years ago at 5:47 pmI don’t back down from a challenge, send me your snapchat and we have a deal.
10 years ago at 5:51 pmOmg no, I don’t a billion dick pics from everyone claiming to be you. I’m going to get lapped more than RadFem for not giving you my snapchat, but I’ve already laced up. Fuck you guys
10 years ago at 5:55 pmKnow what OozmaKappa?
You’re alright in my book.
10 years ago at 6:00 pmHaha, thanks LouFerrigno!
10 years ago at 8:52 pmGet a room…
10 years ago at 11:54 amI honestly can’t comprehend how try hard of an article this is.
10 years ago at 4:15 pmOh good, it wasn’t just me
10 years ago at 4:17 pmI miss the good ole days when people only lapped you.
10 years ago at 4:28 amDid a fucking high schooler write this?
10 years ago at 4:17 pmYes. Yes, they did.
10 years ago at 4:25 pmHogarth’s second account?
10 years ago at 9:28 pmThank you “RudeTeensClub” for the insight, and kindly go fuck yourself
10 years ago at 4:18 pmI don’t know you, but I hate you because of this. How the hell did this get posted?
10 years ago at 4:19 pmSome high school freshman watched Revenge of the Nerds and decided that it would be fun to stereotype the average fraternity brother, most likely. MonstersU? Seriously?
10 years ago at 4:39 pmHow did someone on staff see this and think “you know what, this is definitely something our audience would enjoy reading”
10 years ago at 6:46 pmFor all we know, Hogarth has an alternate account where he tries not to write as if he suffered a stroke.
10 years ago at 6:50 pmI hate geeds as much as the next guy, but damnit this article sucked. It was terrible. I have no words to describe how terrible it was. There was no intention involved in this. Also, what the fuck is the “S” in “DILFS” for? It’s “DILFs” goddamnit. Who wrote this shit? I feel like the intern hacked someone else’s account and wrote this piece of garbage. No, the intern would be able to hide the fact that this sounds like it was written by a junior in high school. The phrase “Frat Lord” died my senior year of high school. Someone clearly didn’t haze you enough when you were a pledge.
10 years ago at 4:21 pmSince he needs GDIs for class notes his fraternity must not have pledges. Therefore he was never a pledge which must be the problem
10 years ago at 5:32 pmProbably an SAE
10 years ago at 7:22 pmOr a TKE
10 years ago at 12:22 amMy point was that SAE doesn’t have pledges, TKE does
10 years ago at 12:42 pmI read the first paragraph and stopped. Although I myself am in a fraternity, this was just so stupid and painful to read. Not all GDI’s hide in their rooms and “play runescape” as you stated. Some are athletes or lack money to spend on dues, initiation, etc. Being in a fraternity doesn’t grant you automatic friendship or popularity. Respect is earned. I get it, this is a satirical website. However, this article was so blatantly aggressive and not clever that I encourage others not to waste your time reading it. Greeks have friends who aren’t Greeks. Let’s not continue to fuel the fire that is the notion that Greeks are exclusive pricks, which this article did a terrific job of. Go fuck yourself, whoever you are who wrote this.
10 years ago at 4:24 pmThere are also fraternity men who do GDI stuff, just look at TFMs wall. Also it’s highly ironic there is an account called Frunscape.
10 years ago at 4:51 pmRight. It’s not as if once you join a fraternity, you’re interests are suddenly relegated to that of the people you’re around. Individualism is common and the stigma that we’re brainwashed conformists is not only insulting but a ridiculous claim to make.
10 years ago at 5:02 pmYou said it better than I could have. Fuck this guy.
10 years ago at 5:09 pmI know an alum who was a GDI because he was poor. After college he became a nerd accountant. One day he decided to do something with his life. He enlisted with the Ranger Battalion. In Basic he was selected for Officer Candidate School. Became infantry officer then made it through Special Forces. Got out and started a business selling shirts. Makes thousands a month. Learned to golf. Has hot wife and loves our school.
10 years ago at 5:54 pmGreat story, man!
10 years ago at 7:39 pmAhhhhh! It’s the confederate flag!
10 years ago at 9:29 amTrigger warning! Trigger warning!
10 years ago at 9:50 amI can’t help but feel someone purposefully wrote this article as a goof. Its just too edgy and mediocre to be legit.
10 years ago at 6:44 pmI wrote my comment before reading this. You might have said it better than me.
10 years ago at 9:34 amStop crying
10 years ago at 6:53 pmChill out, its funny to pretend hate on geeds like this sometimes.
10 years ago at 7:31 pmALLEN! How are your moms doin?
10 years ago at 12:28 amYeah but this wasn’t funny. Lesbian jokes on the other hand are always funny.
10 years ago at 1:16 amNothing was funny about this, you obesity ridden chunk.
10 years ago at 7:42 amWhen Allen is gettin beef that’s when you know it’s a new crop of users…
10 years ago at 2:16 pmi did before i got a bid and started getting laid……. just saying, i play unescape, ladies, please one at a time.
10 years ago at 9:00 amI’m glad I read your comment going in, because I gave it a chance knowing it sucked, and actually found myself laughing at “all the best Hotwheels racetracks.”
10 years ago at 10:06 pmI would rather drag my balls over a tetanus-infected meat cleaver than read this again.
10 years ago at 4:32 pmEpic
10 years ago at 11:22 amBeing completely honest here while drinking a cold Milwaukee’s Best, best column I’ve read on this site. Great work, RTC
10 years ago at 11:23 amThis rules. GDI’s, simply, do not.
10 years ago at 11:37 am“Buy a MacBook you geed”
10 years ago at 4:33 pmWow, RudeTeensClub, not only are you a try -hard highschool fratstar, but you’re also a hipster douche for complaining about people that don’t own Apple products. Fuck you.
Honestly, in this shitpile of an article, that fucking bothered me the most.
10 years ago at 6:30 pmThis article sounds like it was written by a just-graduated high school that will join any fraternity that bids him. And that he’s also a legacy who thinks that makes him a king from Day 1.
10 years ago at 4:37 pm