Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Ronald Reagan, George W, and HW Bush: What do all these men have in common? Worshiped in the south, educated in the north. TFM.

  1. Wow

    Every single Southern poster in this list of comments have been shut down by their obviously superior Northern counterparts.

    Is that clear enough of a statement?

    14 years ago at 1:09 pm
    1. Brocephus

      Well they may have been educated in the north but they hated being surrounded by northern GDI’s so much they created their own super frat country and the only reason the north won the war was you had 4 times as many people and it still took you 4 years.

      Conclusion: It takes four years for four GDI’s to beat one southern fratstar.

      14 years ago at 3:00 pm

      This should be SOUTH ONLY. Get off this site you ignorant northern GDI

      14 years ago at 3:03 pm
    3. KA Fratstar

      Besides, we pay Yankees to come drive our tractors for us. How’s that minimum wage job treatin ya btw

      14 years ago at 5:41 pm
    4. Wow, AGAIN

      u mean you pay mexicans?

      Oh and I’m not making minimum wage, Give me some credit for at least being on this fucking website. I’m working for a Law Firm in Boston making more in a summer than what your shitty little “school” charges for tuition for two years.

      Keep being “southern fratstars” though, I’m sure you’re dad will love hiring you to do HR at his regional landscaping company. I’m gonna go ahead and go…well fuck I can go anywhere I want I guess, I’m not limited to my little clubhouse part of the country where only “the cool kids” are allowed. Did you ever think to explore some other parts of this amazing country we have here? Or are you too ignorant and just think that everyone above a imaginary line is SOOOOOO much worse than you.

      Shut the Fuck Up.

      14 years ago at 4:18 am
    1. oh no

      People are not “raised.” They are “reared.” Quit talking about people like fucking farm animals.

      14 years ago at 10:35 pm
  2. Frat hard, frat often

    Another thing they all have in common, they got the hell out of the North as quick as they could.
    Look, the north in general is not frat. There’s lots of guidos, and the girls aren’t that hot, plus the north always votes democrat(NF).
    The South on the otherhand, has no guidos, and the girls are hot. We quit voting democrat because we were tired of giving our money away to people who don’t do anything.
    I’ll concede that some parts of the north are kind of fratty, mainly old money Connecticut, but you really can’t argue that the north is frattier than the south.

    14 years ago at 5:43 pm
    1. Stars and Bars and Frats

      You do realize that the South has only voted Republican since Reagan because that is when the Democrats switched from being conservative to liberal right? Just go back to the Jersey Shore you liberal GDI.

      14 years ago at 1:28 pm
  3. Tigers

    The South: The sorest losers that ever existed. We won the war, get over it. Seriously you talk about it more than we do. Ulysses S. Grant & William T. Sherman>Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. That’s not an opinion, they proved it on the battlefield.

    14 years ago at 9:51 pm
    1. Stonewall Fratson

      Read a history book Geed; the lifestyle of Ulysses S. Grant, clearly NF

      14 years ago at 4:10 pm
    2. Brolysses S. Grant

      hahahaha are you serious? Most of the people on here brag about how downing whiskey and smoking cigars is FaF. THAT’S ALL GRANT DID! Oh and he won a war for America. So please tell me how pounding whiskey, smoking cigars, and winning wars for America isn’t TFM? You read a history book you fucking idiot.

      14 years ago at 4:20 pm
    3. JimDaniels

      Sorry dumbshit but it’s a known fucking fact that the southern generals were 2x the generals the northern generals were. The only reason the North won was because they had 4x the soldiers. More northerners died in the war. Fuck you yankee.

      14 years ago at 9:36 pm
  4. Built Frat Tough

    You want to know what else they all have in common? They’d all get a bid, unlike you GDI.

    14 years ago at 11:35 pm
  5. roses and pearls

    Really? We are fighting about the civil war? I’ve lived in the north and am greek in the south. Proud to be an American. Now everyone stfu.

    14 years ago at 2:06 pm