Making a Pledge cook burgers with the Fratula on Gameday. TFM.

  1. Fraterstien

    Everything about this is mangy…
    Garbage in the back of the “castle”, a shit grill, a wooden deck on the back of what appears to be a brick town home.
    And what the fuck are you grilling? Turkey burgers and baby brats? C’mon guy, get some real food on there.

    14 years ago at 7:51 am
  2. FratFratFratty

    A GDI asked me to explain trashy and poor. I showed him this picture. TFM.

    14 years ago at 9:04 am
  3. Godandgunsaregood

    Having the real spatula in his other hand and only using the “fratula” for the picture, NF.

    Like people above have pointed out, this picture has potential, but is way too flawed to be a TOTAL Frat Move. A TFM has to be TOTALLY fratty, not partially.

    14 years ago at 6:31 pm