Got too hot on the party bus and cut my Wranglers down to 5 inch inseams. Jort exceptions. TFTC.

    1. ArnoldPalmer777

      We are just making the best of a shitty situation…like when a fat girl shows up to a party…she’s already there…might as well throw things at her to see who she charges first.

      13 years ago at 10:25 am
    1. ArnoldPalmer777

      haven’t you heard? It’s called Trailer Park Chic, by Ralph Lauren. It’s their way of making progress to the little man. You can find them at your nearest Costco or ROSS outlets.

      13 years ago at 11:26 am
  1. carolinahaze

    I’m sure you and your daisy dukes were a big hit with all the bears on your gay party bus.

    13 years ago at 1:28 pm