150 years ago today South Carolina seceded from the Union. TFM.

  1. John Fratzgerald Kennedy

    There is only one thing I’m concerned about. I don’t give a shit about casualty rates or disadvantages. The only thing that matters is that the North won. North 1, south 0

    14 years ago at 8:18 am
  2. fratrick

    To all you yankees out there- Y’alls families weren’t even in America during the War of Northern Aggression. They were still over in Europe being peasants- NF.

    14 years ago at 8:55 am
    1. brohard

      go fuck yourself … my family has fought in every single war for this country including the American Revolution

      14 years ago at 10:39 am
  3. P.G.T. BROregard

    Liberal GDI’s threatening to take away the South’s pledges. NF. The south standing up and fighting for state’s rights. TFM.

    14 years ago at 9:28 am
  4. 1845

    Being proud of something that caused many americans to die. NF. Why is the south so obsessed with the Civil War. The only thing that came from it was a lot of american deaths.

    14 years ago at 9:48 am
    1. rogerthat

      We are honoring how our ancestors stood up to a tyrannical government, geed. Defending Virginia and the rest of the South in bare feet using muskets your grandfather used in the American Revolution is FAF.

      14 years ago at 1:26 pm
    2. 1845

      You’re missing the whole point, we are all americans. I’m from the north and I understand why you’re proud, however the only thing that came from it was a lot of american deaths.

      14 years ago at 5:51 pm
  5. Charleston is the frattiest City in the country

    And I’m damn proud to say my fraternity was founded on the other side of the bay from Ft. Sumter.

    14 years ago at 10:26 am
  6. Keep 'em Coming

    If you live above the Mason Dixion get the fuck off this site and this post. TFM does not relate to your life at at all.

    14 years ago at 11:18 am
  7. P.G.T. BROregard

    The north trying to take away the south’s pledges. NF. The south standing up for state’s rights. TFM.

    14 years ago at 11:47 am
    1. Disappointed

      Did you seriously just compare pledging to slavery?

      I can understand the states’ rights arguments but trying to defend slavery in the 21st century it the epitome of low class. It’s racist Southerners like you that give the rest of the South a bad name.

      14 years ago at 12:21 pm
  8. fraternizing with the bronemy

    maybe your state should celebrate that anniversary by doing it again, lord knows you wouldnt be missed. there are only two Carolinas and we all know which one is considered the lesser of the two. free spurrier

    14 years ago at 11:53 am
  9. The Southern Way

    For all of yall saying that the South got their “ass raped” can you tell me why the North had more killed or wounded than the South?

    14 years ago at 11:57 am
    1. fraternizing with the bronemy

      because its much easier to not get shot or wounded when you are retreating?

      14 years ago at 12:23 pm