Giancarlo Stanton Hits Bomb And Destroys Fan’s Hand

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I’ve suffered my fair share of nasty injuries during my time here at State. Ironically, none of them have happened on the intramural fields. The worst one happened when I fell through the drive thru menu at Taco Bell trying to surf my boy Nicky C’s Nissan Altima. My right hand was so messed up that it kept me out of the gym for three whole days. Those days were some of the darkest days of my young life.

Tuesday night, a fan at the Home Run Derby made the bold decision to try and catch Miami Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton’s home run. For those unfamiliar with Stanton’s uncanny ability to absolutely smash the ball, here’s an example:

From GameDayR:

Jordan Jacobson, a fan taking in the Home Run Derby on Monday night, learned the hard lesson of snagging a Stanton scorcher. He showed off his bruised hand on Twitter after attempting the catch. Yes, you read that correctly, he didn’t even get the ball.

Here’s Jordan Jacobson’s hand after the fact:

Really ballsy of you, Jordan. I admire you for being a true man and not bringing a glove to the ballpark. I’ll give you a pass for not hanging onto the ball since it was Stanton, but it would have made carrying around those mangled digits worth it. Better luck next time, boss.

[via GameDayR]

Images via Twitter and Youtube

  1. Call sign_Goose

    all i could think of was him finger banging his wife after the game with his two huge fingers

    10 years ago at 3:49 pm
  2. Meat Spin

    what a puss. too bad it didnt hit him in the dick. the swelling would do him some good

    10 years ago at 3:52 pm
  3. Girthquake

    1) Only a GDI calls it a “mit,” its called a glove. No one gets a “golden mit” award at the end of the season. 2) Only GDIs bring a glove to the ballpark.

    10 years ago at 4:26 pm
  4. LonestarFratTX

    I just read the guys twitter and he said that it was a fake and that he has a birth defect…

    10 years ago at 10:40 am